مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۳۰۱Analysis of promyelocytic leukemia in human embryonic carcinoma stem cells during retinoic acid-induced neural differentiationKarbalaie, K., Vallian, S., Lachinani, L., (...), Baharvand, H., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Iranian Journal of Biotechnology2016
۳۰۲Rational development of a polycistronic plasmid with a CpG-free bacterial backbone as a potential tool for direct reprogrammingDormiani, K., Sadeghi, H.M.M., Sadeghi-Aliabadi, H., (...), Ghaedi, K., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Cell Journal2016
۳۰۳Nanotopographical control of human embryonic stem cell differentiation into definitive endodermGhanian, M.H., Farzaneh, Z., Barzin, J., (...), Ehsani, M., Baharvand, H.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A2015-11-1
۳۰۴Proteome Analysis of Ground State PluripotencyTaleahmad, S., Mirzaei, M., Parker, L.M., (...), Baharvand, H., Salekdeh, G.H.Scientific Reports2015
۳۰۵A ground state of PPARgamma activity and expression is required for appropriate neural differentiation of hESCsTaheri, M., Salamian, A., Ghaedi, K., (...), Baharvand, H., Nasr-Esfahani, M.HPharmacological Reports2015
۳۰۶A universal and robust integrated platform for the scalable production of human cardiomyocytes from pluripotent stem cellsFonoudi, H., Ansari, H., Abbasalizadeh, S., (...), Aghdami, N., Baharvand, H.Stem Cells Translational Medicine2015
۳۰۷Autologous transplantation of mesenchymal stromal cells tends to prevent progress of interstitial fibrosis in a rhesus Macaca mulatta monkey model of chronic kidney diseaseMoghadasali, R., Hajinasrollah, M., Argani, H., (...), Baharvand, H., Aghdami, N.Cytotherapy2015
۳۰۸The synergistic enhancement of cloning efficiency in individualized human pluripotent stem cells by peroxisome proliferative-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma) activation and Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) inhibitionKajabadi, N.-S., Ghoochani, A., Peymani, M., (...), Nasr-Esfahani, M.H., Baharvand, H.Journal of Biological Chemistry2015
۳۰۹Preparation of a porous conductive scaffold from aniline pentamer-modified polyurethane/PCL blend for cardiac tissue engineeringBaheiraei, N., Yeganeh, H., Ai, J., (...), Vahdat, S., Baharvand, H.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A2015
۳۱۰Induction of active demethylation and 5hmC formation by 5-azacytidine is TET2 dependent and suggests new treatment strategies against hepatocellular carcinomaSajadian, S.O., Ehnert, S., Vakilian, H., (...), Sipos, B., Nussler, A.K.Clinical Epigenetics2015
۳۱۱DDX3Y, a male-specific region of y chromosome gene, may modulate neuronal differentiationVakilian, H., Mirzaei, M., Sharifi Tabar, M., (...), Baharvand, H., Salekdeh, G.H.Journal of Proteome Research2015
۳۱۲Two splice variants of y chromosome-located lysine-specific Demethylase 5D have distinct function in prostate cancer cell line (DU-145)Jangravi, Z., Tabar, M.S., Mirzaei, M., (...), Baharvand, H., Salekdeh, G.H.Journal of Proteome Research2015
۳۱۳Isoform-level gene expression profiles of human y chromosome azoospermia factor genes and their X chromosome paralogs in the testicular tissue of non-obstructive azoospermia patientsRastegar, D.A., Tabar, M.S., Alikhani, M., (...), Baharvand, H., Salekdeh, G.H.Journal of Proteome Research2015
۳۱۴Evaluating electroporation and lipofectamine approaches for transient and stable transgene expressions in human fibroblasts and embryonic stem cellsTabar, M.S., Hesaraki, M., Esfandiari, F., (...), Vakilian, H., Baharvand, H.Cell Journal2015
۳۱۵Promyelocytic leukemia (PML) involves cellular pluripotency and neural developmentKarbalaie, K., Vallian, S., Salamian, A., Baharvand, H., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Genetics in the Third Millennium2015
۳۱۶Induction of neural progenitor-like cells from human fibroblasts via a genetic material-free approachMirakhori, F., Zeynali, B., Rassouli, H., (...), Salekdeh, G.H., Baharvand, H.PLoS ONE2015
۳۱۷Long-term and efficient expression of human beta-globin gene in a hematopoietic cell line using a new site-specific integrating non-viral systemDormiani, K., Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, H., Sadeghi-Aliabadi, H., (...), Baharvand, H., Nasr-Esfahani, M.HGene Therapy2015
۳۱۸Ascorbic acid promotes the direct conversion of mouse fibroblasts into beating cardiomyocytesTalkhabi, M., Pahlavan, S., Aghdami, N., Baharvand, H.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications2015
۳۱۹Dibutyryl cyclic AMP inhibits the progression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and potentiates recruitment of endogenous neural stem cellsKhezri, S., Javan, M., Goudarzvand, M., Semnanian, S., Baharvand, H.Journal of Molecular Neuroscience2015
۳۲۰Cellular and molecular characterization of human cardiac stem cells reveals key features essential for their function and safetyVahdat, S., Mousavi, S.A., Omrani, G., (...), Salekdeh, G.H., Aghdami, N.Stem Cells and Development2015
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