The protective effect of silymarin on motility, viability, plasma membrane and acrosome integrity of human sperm treated with cadmium

نویسندگانHamid Reza Momeni - Ali Asghar Ghafarizadeh -Najme Eskandari -
همایشInternational Congress
تاریخ برگزاری همایش2017
نوع ارائهچاپ در مجموعه مقالات
سطح همایشبین المللی

چکیده مقاله

Background: Cadmium, as an environmental pollutant, can induce adverse effects on male reproductive system and sperm. Silymarin is known as a potent antioxidant. The aim of this study was to determine if silymarin could reverse the damaging effects of cadmium on human sperm motility, viability, plasma membrane and acrosome integrity.
Methods: Human spermatozoa were divided into five groups:1. sperm at 0 hour, 2. sperm at 180 minutes
(control), 3. sperm treated with cadmium chloride (20µm) for 180 minutes, 4. sperm treated with silymarin (2μM) + cadmium (20μM) for 180 minutes and, 5. sperm treated with silymarin (2μM) for 180 minutes. Sperm motility was performed according to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Hoechst and propidium iodide staining were used to evaluate sperm plasma membrane integrity. Comassie brilliant blue and eosin–nigrosin staining were performed to assess sperm acrosome integrity and viability respectively. The results were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and p
Result: The percentage of sperm motility, viability, plasma membrane and acrosome integrity were significantly decreased in the cadmium group compared to the control. The application of silymarin + cadmium could significantly compensate the adverse effects of cadmium on the sperm parameters compared to the cadmium group.
Conclusion: Cadmium induces toxic effect on human sperm motility, plasma membrane and acrosome integrity and viability. Silymarin, as a potent antioxidant, is able to compensate the adverse effect this pollutant on these parameters.