مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۰۱Derivation of new human embryonic stem cell lines from preimplantation genetic screening and diagnosis-analyzed embryosTaei, A., Gourabi, H., Seifinejad, A., (...), Karimian, L., Baharvand, H.In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal,2010-4-1
۱۰۲Calciotropic hormones, insulin resistance, and the polycystic ovary syndromeMahmoudi, T., Gourabi, H., Ashrafi, M., Yazdi, R.S., Ezabadi, Z.Fertility and Sterility2010-3-1
۱۰۳Nuclear proteome analysis of monkey embryonic stem cells during differentiationNasrabadi, D., Larijani, M.R., Fathi, A., (...), Baharvand, H., Salekdeh, G.H.Stem Cell Reviews and Reports2010-3-1
۱۰۴Synchronizing cell cycle of goat fibroblasts by serum starvation causes apoptosisDalman, A., Eftekhari-Yazdi, P., Valojerdi, M.R., (...), Sadeghian, F., Hasani, F.Reproduction in Domestic Animals2010-10-1
۱۰۵Generation of Liver Disease-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Along with Efficient Differentiation to Functional Hepatocyte-Like CellsGhodsizadeh, A., Taei, A., Totonchi, M., (...), Salekdeh, G.H., Baharvand, H.Stem Cell Reviews and Reports2010
۱۰۶Feeder- and serum-free establishment and expansion of human induced pluripotent stem cellsTotonchi, M., Taei, A., Seifinejad, A., (...), Hosseini-Salekdeh, G., Baharvand, H.International Journal of Developmental Biology2010
۱۰۷Is karyotyping and Y chromosome microdeletion study necessary in men candidate for ICSI?Nowroozi, M.R., Radkhah, K., Ranjbaran, A., (...), Gilani, M.A.S., Gourabi, H.Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine2010
۱۰۸A simple method for isolation of neoblasts from planariaChitsazan, H., Gourabi, H., Arfae, A.J., Baharvand, HYakhteh2009-6-1)
۱۰۹Separation of X- and Y-bearing human spermatozoa by sperm isolation medium gradients evaluated by FISHGourabi, H., Aleahmad, F., Zeinali, B., Ashtiani, S.K., Baharvand, H.Reproductive BioMedicine Online2009-4-1
۱۱۰Proteomic analysis of monkey embryonic stem cell During differentiationNasrabadi, D., Larijani, M.R., Pirhaji, L., (...), Baharvand, H., Salekdeh, G.H.Journal of Proteome Research2009-3-6
۱۱۱Novel cause of hereditary obstructive azoospermia: A T2 allele in the CFTR gene Radpour, R., Taherzadeh-Fard, E., Gourabi, H., (...), Dizaj, A.V., Aslani, AReproductive BioMedicine OnlineReproductive BioMedicine Online2009-3-1
۱۱۲Comparative proteome and transcriptome analyses of embryonic stem cells during embryoid body-based differentiationFathi, A., Pakzad, M., Taei, A., (...), Baharvand, H., Salekdeh, G.H.Proteomics2009-11-1
۱۱۳Cytogenetic findings in couples who are candidates for assisted reproductive techniquesSalahshourifar, I., Masoudi, N.S., Gourabi, H.Yakhteh2009
۱۱۴Effect of serum starvation and full confluence on cell cycle synchronization and apoptosis of goat dermal fibroblastDalman, A., Yazdi, P.E., Valojerdi, M.R., (...), Janzamin, E., Sadeghian, F.Yakhteh,2009
۱۱۵Efficiency of adult mouse spermatogonial stem cell colony formation under several culture conditionsKoruji, M., Movahedin, M., Mowla, S.J., Gourabi, H., Arfaee, A.J.In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal,2009
۱۱۶Complex chromosomal rearrangement involving chromosomes 1, 4 and 22 in an infertile male: Case report and literature reviewSalahshourifar, I., Shahrokhshahi, N., Tavakolzadeh, T., Beheshti, Z., Gourabi, H.Journal of Applied Genetics,2009
۱۱۷Perinatal outcomes of newborn infants conceived by assisted reproductive techniques in Royan InstituteKermani, R.M., Allahverdi, B., Gourabi, H., (...), Nateghi, M.R., Dadashloo, S.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility2009
۱۱۸Royana: Successful experience in cloning the sheepAshtiani, S.K., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H., Hosseini, S.M., (...), Radpour, R., Salahshouri, I.Yakhteh2008-9-1)
۱۱۹Genetic investigations of CFTR mutations in congenital absence of vas deferens, uterus, and vagina as a cause of infertilityRadpour, R., Gourabi, H., Dizaj, A.V., Holzgreve, W., Zhong, X.Y.Journal of Andrology2008-9-1
۱۲۰Identification of mouse embryonic stem cell-associated proteinsBaharvand, H., Fathi, A., Gourabi, H., Mollamohammadi, S., Salekdeh, G.H.Journal of Proteome Research2008-1-1
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