مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۴۱Valproic acid attenuates disease symptoms and increases endogenous myelin repair by recruiting neural stem cells and oligodendrocyte progenitors in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitisPazhoohan, S., Satarian, L., Asghari, A.-A., (...), Mani, A.-R., Javan, MNeurodegenerative Diseases2013
۴۲Engrafted human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived anterior specified neural progenitors protect the rat crushed optic nerveSatarian, L., Javan, M., Kiani, S., (...), Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Baharvand, HPloS one2013
۴۳Glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibition promotes proliferation and neuronal differentiation of human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitorsEsfandiari, F., Fathi, A., Gourabi, H., (...), Nemati, S., Baharvand, H.Stem Cells and Development2012-11-20
۴۴Quantum dot labeling using positive charged peptides in human hematopoetic and mesenchymal stem cellsRanjbarvaziri, S., Kiani, S., Akhlaghi, A., (...), Baharvand, H., Aghdami, N.Biomaterials2011-8-1
۴۵Interactions of human embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitors with an electrospun nanofbrillar surface in vitroRahjouei, A., Kiani, S., Zahabi, A., (...), Hashemi, M., Baharvand, H.International Journal of Artificial Organs2011-7-1
۴۶Application of conductive polymers, scaffolds and electrical stimulation for nerve tissue engineeringGhasemi-Mobarakeh, L., Prabhakaran, M.P., Morshed, M., (...), Al-Deyab, S.S., Ramakrishna, S.Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine2011-4-1
۴۷Long-term self-renewable feeder-free human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitorsNemati, S., Hatami, M., Kiani, S., (...), Alaei, S., Baharvand, H.Stem Cells and Development2011-3-1
۴۸Electrospun nanofibrillar surfaces promote neuronal differentiation and function from human embryonic stem cellsShahbazi, E., Kiani, S., Gourabi, H., Baharvand, HTissue Engineering - Part A2011-12-1
۴۹Existence of a delayed rectifier K+ current in the membrane of human embryonic stem celKiani, S., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Shahbazi, E., Baharvand, H.Physiology and Pharmacology2011-12-1
۵۰Human induced pluripotent stem cells differentiation into oligodendrocyte progenitors and transplantation in a rat model of optic chiasm demyelinationPouya, A., Satarian, L., Kiani, S., Javan, M., Baharvand, HPLoS ONE2011-11-18
۵۱Differentiation of embryonic stem cells into neural cells on 3D poly (D, L-lactic acid) scaffolds versus 2D culturesZare-Mehrjardi, N., Khorasani, M.T., Hemmesi, K., (...), Barzin, J., Baharvand, H.2011-10-12011-10-1
۵۲Comprehensive gene expression analysis of human embryonic stem cells during differentiation into neural cellsFathi, A., Hatami, M., Hajihosseini, V., (...), Baharvand, H., Salekdeh, G.H.PLoS ONE2011
۵۳Human embryonic stem cell-derived neural precursor transplants in collagen scaffolds promote recovery in injured rat spinal cordHatami, M., Mehrjardi, N.Z., Kiani, S., (...), Shahverdi, A., Baharvand, HCytotherapy2009
۵۴Neural differentiation from human embryonic stem cells in a defined adherent culture conditionBaharvand, H., Mehrjardi, N.-Z., Hatami, M., (...), Rao, M., Haghighi, M.-M.International Journal of Developmental Biology2007
۵۵Relaxant effect of Cuminum cyminum on guinea pig tracheal chains and its possible mechanismBoskabady, M.H., Kiani, S., Azizi, H.Indian Journal of Pharmacology2005-4-1
۵۶Relaxant effects of Ocimum basilicum on guinea pig tracheal chains and its possible mechanismBoskabady, M.H., Kiani, S., Haghiri, B.Daru2005
۵۷Antitussive effect of Nigella sativa in guinea pigsBoskabady, M.H., Kiani, S., Jandaghi, P., Ziaei, T., Zarei, A.2004-7-12004-7-1
۵۸Possible mechanism(s) for relaxant effect of aqueous and macerated extracts from Nigella sativa on tracheal chains of guinea pigBoskabady, M.H., Shirmohammadi, B., Jandaghi, P., Kiani, SBMC Pharmacology2004-2-25
۵۹Comparison of antitussive effect of Nigella sativa with codeine in guinea pigBoskabady, M.H., Kiani, S., Jandaghi, P., Ziaei, T., Zarei, A.Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences2003-9-1
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