The Effect of the Role of Urban Management (the Sanctioned Laws of the City Council of Pakdasht County) on Social Security and Prevention of Environmental Crimes in Pakdasht County

نویسندگانEbrahim Shamiaghziyarat | Masoud Beyranvand | Mohammad Komeyli
نشریهInternational Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
شماره صفحات۴۵-۵۵
نوع مقالهFull Paper
تاریخ انتشار۲۰۱۸/۰۵
رتبه نشریهISI (WOS)
نوع نشریهچاپی
کشور محل چاپهند
نمایه نشریه

چکیده مقاله

In today's societies, crime and committing crime as a social problem prevent the presence of citizens in urban spaces.In many parts of the world, including Iran, providing security and the creation of secure cities have been at the top of development programs. Today, the social demand for more secure cities and urban spaces is clearly evident. Such the request is directly related to all those who are responsible for the development of urban projects. This study was carried out using descriptive-analytical and survey methods with the Spss software to investigate the effect of the role of urban management (the sanctioned lawsof the city council of Pakdasht county) on social security and environmental crime prevention in Pakdasht county. Based on the findings, the results of this study are as follows: The approved laws ofthe city council of Pakdasht Countyfrom 2005 to 2016 have had a significant effect on the prevention of environmental crime. According to the study, we conclude that the urban management of Pakdasht city has made significant effect on the reduction of the city's crimes, which is clearly seen in related to use of thereform of rules of urban management.

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tags: Urban management, City council of Pakdasht County,Social security, Environmental crime prevention, Pakdasht county.