مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۸۱Defining loneliness in older adults: Protocol for a systematic reviewBandari, R., Khankeh, H.R., Shahboulaghi, F.M., (...), Keshtkar, A.A., Montazeri, ASystematic Reviews2019
۱۸۲Assessing the quality of life among Pakistani general population and their associated factors by using the World Health Organization's quality of life instrument (WHOQOL-BREF): A population based cross-sectional studyLodhi, F.S., Montazeri, A., Nedjat, S., (...), Kasaeian, A., Holakouie-Naieni, K.Health and Quality of Life Outcomes2019
۱۸۳Development and validation of the health literacy scale for workersAzizi, N., Karimy, M., Abedini, R., Armoon, B., Montazeri, A.International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine2019
۱۸۴Comparing Mizaj (temperament) in type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy controls: A case-control studyIlkhani, R., Aghanouri, Z., Mojahedi, M., (...), Siavash, M., Tabatabaei, F.Journal of Research in Medical Sciences2019
۱۸۵An educational intervention based on the extended parallel process model to improve attitude, behavioral intention, and early breast cancer diagnosis: A randomized trialZonouzy, V.T., Niknami, S., Ghofranipour, F., Montazeri, A.International Journal of Women's Health2019
۱۸۶Health Literacy of Pre-Service Teachers from Farhangian University: A Cross-Sectional SurveyAhmadi, F., Montazeri, A.International Journal of School Health2019
۱۸۷Socio-economic risk factors of household food insecurity and their population attributable risk: A population-based studyAsadi-Lari, M., Jahromi, L.M., Montazeri, A., (...), Ghanbari, A., Gholami, A.Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran2019
۱۸۸Ovarian reserve after laparoscopic salpingectomy compared with laparoscopic salpingotomy in patients with tubal ectopic pregnancyAsgari, Z., Tabatabaei, F., Hosseini, R., (...), Zebardast, J., Montazeri, A.Acta Medica Mediterranea2019
۱۸۹Use of the Health Education Campaign (HEC) in the Field of Breast Cancer Screening in the North of IranMohsenipouya, H., Naghibi, S., Shojaizadeh, D., Montazeri, A.Health Education and Health Promotion2019
۱۹۰Monitoring outcomes in children with acquired brain injury: A Persian validation study of Child and Family Follow-up SurveyAzimi, P., Shahzadi, S., Mohammadi, H.R., Shahzadi, A., Montazeri, A.Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences2019
۱۹۱Cut-off value for body mass index in predicting surgical success in patients with lumbar spinal canal stenosisAzimi, P., Yazdanian, T., Shahzadi, S., (...), Aghaei, H.N., Montazeri, A.Asian Spine Journal2018
۱۹۲Deciduous dentition approximal caries lesion progression and regression following preventive treatment: literature reviewPakdaman, A., Montazeri, A., Evans, R.W.Australian Dental Journal2018
۱۹۳Spiritual well-being and quality of life in patients with spinal cord injury: A study from IranHajiaghababaei, M., Saberi, H., Rahnama, P., Montazeri, A.Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine2018
۱۹۴Design and validation of Mizaj identification questionnaire in Persian medicineSalmannezhad, H., Mojahedi, M., Ebadi, A., (...), Saghebi, R., Montazeri, A.Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal2018
۱۹۵Relationship between obesity and sperm parameters in men with idiopathic infertilityHashemzadeh, M., Tagizadeh, Z., Mogadam, Z.B., (...), Shams, M., Farokhi, M.Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility2018
۱۹۶Polycystic ovary syndrome and its impact on Iranian women's quality of life: A population-based studyBehboodi Moghadam, Z., Fereidooni, B., Saffari, M., Montazeri, A.BMC Women's Health2018
۱۹۷Psychometric properties the Iranian version of Older People's Quality Of Life questionnaire (OPQOL)Nikkhah, M., Heravi-Karimooi, M., Montazeri, A., Rejeh, N., Sharif Nia, H.Health and Quality of Life Outcomes2018
۱۹۸Readiness to change for interprofessional collaboration in healthcare: Development and validation of a theory-based instrumentShirazi, M., Moradi, K., Haeri Mehrizi, A.A., Keshmiri, F., Montazeri, A.Journal of Interprofessional Care2018
۱۹۹Quality of life and psychological distress in women with recurrent miscarriage: A comparative studyTavoli, Z., Mohammadi, M., Tavoli, A., (...), Khedmat, L., Montazeri, A.Health and Quality of Life Outcomes2018
۲۰۰Psychometric evaluation of the Persian version of the Lymphedema Life Impact Scale (LLIS, version 1) in breast cancer patientsHaghighat, S., Montazeri, A., Zayeri, F., Ebrahimi, M., Weiss, J.Health and Quality of Life Outcomes2018
نمایش ۱۸۱ تا ۲۰۰ مورد از کل ۵۴۳ مورد.