مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۳۰۱Sociocultural factors associated with breast self-examination among Iranian womenNaghibi, S.A., Shojaizadeh, D., Montazeri, A., Cherati, J.Y.Acta Medica Iranica2015
۳۰۲Outcome measures of functionality, social interaction, and pain in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy: A validation study for the iranian version of the copenhagen neck functional disability scaleAghaei, H.N., Azimi, P., Shahzadi, S., (...), Alizadeh, P., Montazeri, A.Asian Spine Journal2015
۳۰۳Psychometric analysis of the ambulatory care learning education environment measure (ACLEEM) in IranNaghizadeh Moogari, Z., Koohpayehzadeh, J., Roff, S., (...), Azaminejad, F., Tavousi, M.Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran2015
۳۰۴Outcome measures of functionality, social interaction, and pain in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy: A validation study for the iranian version of the copenhagen neck functional disability scaleAghaei, H.N., Azimi, P., Shahzadi, S., (...), Alizadeh, P., Montazeri, A.Asian Spine Journal2015
۳۰۵Educational needs of midwifery students regarding mother and infant mortality prevention services in critical situationsTaghizadeh, Z., Montazeri, A., Khoshnamrad, M.HAYAT2015
۳۰۶Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the critical care family needs inventoryBandari, R., Heravi-Karimooi, M., Rejeh, N., (...), Mirmohammadkhani, M., Vaismoradi, M.Journal of Nursing Research2014
۳۰۷General physician job satisfaction in public and private sectorsSeddigh, L., Meysamie, A., Montazeri, A.Iran Occupational Health2014
۳۰۸An outcome measure of functionality and quality of life in Iranian women with osteoporotic vertebral fractures: a validation study of the QUALEFFO-41Azimi, P., Shahzadi, S., Azhari, S., Montazeri, A.Journal of Orthopaedic Science2014
۳۰۹New oral health literacy instrument for public health: development and pilot testingNaghibi Sistani, M.M., Montazeri, A., Yazdani, R., Murtomaa, H.Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry2014
۳۱۰Is persistence of metabolic syndrome associated with poor health-related quality of life in non-diabetic Iranian adults? Tehran lipid and glucose studyAmiri, P., Hosseinpanah, F., Jalali-Farahani, S., (...), Montazeri, A., Azizi, F.Journal of Diabetes Investigation2014
۳۱۱Physical activity in Iranian older adults who experienced fall during the past 12 monthsSalehi, L., Shokrvash, B., Jamshidi, E., Montazeri, A.BMC Geriatrics2014
۳۱۲Reliability and validity of the peabody developmental motor scales-second edition for assessing motor development of low birth weight preterm infantsTavasoli, A., Azimi, P., Montazari, A.Pediatric Neurology2014
۳۱۳Sexual functioning among married Iranian women with polycystic ovary syndromeBazarganipour, F., Ziaei, S., Montazeri, A., (...), Kazemnejad, A., Faghihzadeh, S.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility2014
۳۱۴Effectiveness of a theory-based intervention to increase colorectal cancer screening among Iranian health club members: a randomized trialSalimzadeh, H., Eftekhar, H., Majdzadeh, R., Montazeri, A., Delavari, A.Journal of Behavioral Medicine2014
۳۱۵Adherence and attrition in a web-based lifestyle intervention for people with metabolic syndromeJahangiry, L., Shojaeizadeh, D., Montazeri, A., (...), Mohammad, K., Yaseri, M.Iranian Journal of Public Health2014
۳۱۶Factor structure of the Iranian version of 12-item general health questionnaireNajarkolaei, F.R., Raiisi, F., Rahnama, P., (...), Jafari, M.R., Montazeri, A.Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal2014
۳۱۷The multiple sclerosis intimacy and sexuality questionnaire-19: Reliability, validity, and factor structure of the persian versionMohammadi, K., Rahnama, P., Montazeri, A., Foley, F.WJournal of Sexual Medicine2014
۳۱۸Psychometric properties of KIDSCREEN health-related quality of life questionnaire in Iranian adolescentsParizi, A.S., Garmaroudi, G., Fazel, M., (...), Montazeri, A., Jafarpour, S.Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation2014
۳۱۹Health-related quality of life and primi-gravid: A comparative study of natural conception and conception by assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs)Ahmadi, S.E., Montazeri, A., Mozafari, R., (...), Nateghi, M.R., Ashrafi, M.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility2014
۳۲۰Severity of symptoms, physical functioning and satisfaction in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: A validation study of the Iranian version of the Swiss Spinal Stenosis ScoreAzimi, P., Ghandehari, H.S., Sadeghi, S., (...), Mohmmadi, H.R., Montazeri, A.Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences2014
نمایش ۳۰۱ تا ۳۲۰ مورد از کل ۵۴۳ مورد.