مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۴۰۱Results from the translation and adaptation of the Iranian Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (I-SF-MPQ): Preliminary evidence of its reliability, construct validity and sensitivity in an Iranian pain populationAdelmanesh, F., Arvantaj, A., Rashki, H., (...), Montazeri, A., Raissi, G.Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology2011
۴۰۲Predicting health-related quality of life by using a health promotion model among Iranian adolescent girls: A structural equation modeling approachMohamadian, H., Eftekhar, H., Rahimi, A., (...), Shojaiezade, D., Montazeri, A.Nursing and Health Sciences2011
۴۰۳Low back pain in Iran: A growing need to adapt and implement evidence-based practice in developing countriesMousavi, S.J., Akbari, M.E., Mehdian, H., (...), Akbarnia, B., Parnianpour, M.Spine2011
۴۰۴Taxi drivers' views on risky driving behavior in Tehran: A qualitative study using a social marketing approachShams, M., Shojaeizadeh, D., Majdzadeh, R., Rashidian, A., Montazeri, A.Accident Analysis and Prevention2011
۴۰۵Barriers to a healthy lifestyle among obese adolescents: A qualitative study from IranAmiri, P., Ghofranipour, F., Ahmadi, F., (...), Jalali-Farahani, S., Rastegarpour, A.International Journal of Public Health2011
۴۰۶The 12-item medical outcomes study short form health survey version 2.0 (SF-12v2): A population-based validation study from Tehran, IranMontazeri, A., Vahdaninia, M., Mousavi, S.J., (...), Omidvari, S., Tavousi, M.Health and Quality of Life Outcomes2011
۴۰۷Health-related quality of life in primary antibody deficiencyAghamohammadi, A., Montazeri, A., Abolhassani, H., (...), Parvaneh, N., Rezaei, N.Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology2011
۴۰۸Palliative care for cancer patients: Integration into oncology practiceMontazeri, A.Therapy2011
۴۰۹Quality of life among an Iranian general population sample using the World Health Organization's quality of life instrument (WHOQOL-BREF)Nedjat, S., Holakouie Naieni, K., Mohammad, K., Majdzadeh, R., Montazeri, A.International Journal of Public Health2011
۴۱۰Twenty years of breast cancer in Iran: Downstaging without a formal screening programHarirchi, I., Kolahdoozan, S., Karbakhsh, M., (...), Kashefi, A., Ebrahimi, M.Annals of Oncology2011
۴۱۱Reliability and validity of the Tegner and Marx activity rating scales in Iranian patients with anterior cruciate ligament injuryNegahban, H., Mostafaee, N., Sohani, S.M., (...), Meshkati, Z., Montazeri, A.Disability and Rehabilitation2011
۴۱۲Socioeconomic status and mortality after acute myocardial infarction: A study from IranDonyavi, T., Naieni, K.H., Nedjat, S., (...), Najafi, M., Montazeri, A.International Journal for Equity in Health2011
۴۱۳Fruit and vegetables intake among elderly Iranians: A theory-based interventional study using the five-a-day programSalehi, L., Mohammad, K., Montazeri, A.Nutrition Journal2011
۴۱۴The short form endometriosis health profile (EHP-5): Translation and validation study of the Iranian versionGoshtasebi, A., Nematollahzadeh, M., Hariri, F.Z., Montazeri, A.Journal of Ovarian Research2011
۴۱۵Exploring the experiences of Iranian women with breast cancer: A qualitative studySajadian, A., Montazeri, A.Iranian Journal of Epidemiolog2011
۴۱۶More than half of senior residents in tehran have never heard about colorectal cancer screeningSalimzadeh, H., Eftekhar, H., Majdzadeh, R., (...), Shojaeizadeh, D., Delavari, A.Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention2011
۴۱۷Stress, coping strategies, and related factors in a sample of Iranian adolescent malesSaffari, M., Ghofranipour, F., Mahmoudi, M., Montazeri, AIranian Red Crescent Medical Journal2011
۴۱۸Reliability and validity of the Iranian version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales in adolescentsAmiri, P., M. Ardekani, E., Jalali-Farahani, S., (...), Montazeri, A., Azizi, F.Quality of Life Research2010
۴۱۹Anxiety, depression and health-related quality of life in those injured by landmines, Ilam, Islamic Republic of IranAsadollahi, R., Saghafinia, M., Nafissi, N., (...), Asadollahi, M., Khatami, M.Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de santé de la Méditerranée orientale = al-Majallah al-ihhīyah li-sharq al-mutawassi2010
۴۲۰Metabolic syndrome predicts poor health-related quality of life in women but not in men: Tehran Lipid and Glucose StudyAmiri, P., Hosseinpanah, F., Rambod, M., Montazeri, A., Azizi, F.Journal of women's health (2002)2010
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