مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۰۱Present and prospective diagnostic and therapeutic options for repeated IVF failuresSadeghi, M.R.Journal of Reproduction and Infertility2012-1-1
۱۰۲Evaluation of the relationship between endometriosis and omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acidsKhanaki, K., Nouri, M., Ardekani, A.M., (...), Imani, A.R., Rahimipour, A.Iranian Biomedical Journal2012
۱۰۳Quality of life and depression in caregivers of patients with breast cancerHeidari Gorji, M.A., Bouzar, Z., Haghshenas, M., (...), Sadeghi, M.R., Ardebil, M.D.BMC Research Notes2012
۱۰۴Correlation of CMA3 staining with sperm quality and protamine deficiencyZandemami, M., Qujeq, D., Akhondi, M.M., (...), Shiraz, E.S., Sadeghi, M.RLaboratory Medicine2012
۱۰۵Comparison of memory impairments among two groups of patients with diabetes with different disease durationsHeidari Gorji, M.A., Ghahremanlu, H., Haghshenas, M., Sadeghi, M.R., Heidari Gorji, A.M.BMC Research Notes2012
۱۰۶Causes of bimodal melting curve: Asymmetric guaninecytosine (GC) distribution causing two peaks in melting curve and affecting their shapesAbtahi, H., Sadeghi, M.R., Shabani, M., (...), Akhondi, M.M., Talebi, S.African Journal of Biotechnology2011-9-5
۱۰۷Coenzyme Q 10 improves seminal oxidative defense but does not affect on semen parameters in idiopathic oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: A randomized double-blind, placebo controlled trialNadjarzadeh, A., Sadeghi, M.R., Amirjannati, N., (...), Yavari, P., Shidfar, F.Journal of Endocrinological Investigation,2011-9-1
۱۰۸Expression profiling of vitamin D receptor in placenta, decidua and ovary of pregnant miceShahbazi, M., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Zareie, M., (...), Sadeghi, M.R., Zarnani, A.H.Placenta2011-9-1
۱۰۹Seminal molecular markers as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for the evaluation of spermatogenesis in non-obstructive azoospermiaAslani, F., Modarresi, M.H., Soltanghoraee, H., (...), Lakpour, N., Sadeghi, M.R.Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine2011-8-1
۱۱۰Evaluation of semen quality in patients with malignancies referred for sperm banking before cancer treatmentAmirjannati, N., Sadeghi, M., Hosseini Jadda, S.H., (...), Kamali, K., Akhondi, M.A.Andrologia2011-10-1
۱۱۱Epigenetic alterations and their impact on assisted reproduction technology outcomesSadeghi, M.RMedical Journal of Reproduction and Infertility2011-1-1
۱۱۲Fetal sex determination using non-invasive method of cell-free fetal dna in maternal plasma of pregnant women during 6 th- 10 th weeks of gestationZargari, M., Sadeghi, M.R., Shahhosseiny, M.H., (...), Esmaeilzadeh, A., Khorshid, H.R.K.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2011
۱۱۳Relationship between sperm chromatin status and ICSI outcome in men with obstructive azoospermia and unexplained infertile normozoospermiaSadeghi, M.R., Lakpour, N., Heidari-Vala, H., (...), Binaafar, S., Akhondi, M.MRomanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology2011
۱۱۴ززThe profile of human sperm proteome; a mini-reviewGilany, K., Lakpour, N., Vafakhah, M., Sadeghi, M.RJournal of Reproduction and Infertility2011
۱۱۵Standardized infertility treatments not only ensure maternal-fetal health but also provide higher success ratesSadeghi, M.R.Journal of Reproduction and Infertility2011
۱۱۶Isolation and recognition of spermatogenic cell lineages from mouse testis tissueModarresi, T., Parivar, K., Kouchesfehani, H.M., (...), Heidari-Vala, H., Sadeghi, M.R.Yakhteh2010-9-1
۱۱۷Production of monoclonal antibody against human nestinHadavi, R., Zarnani, A.H., Ahmadvand, N., (...), Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Rabbani, H.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2010-4-1
۱۱۸Raised Inflammatory Markers in Semen from Men with Asymptomatic Chlamydial InfectionKokab, A., Akhondi, M.M., Sadeghi, M.R., (...), Pacey, A.A., Eley, A.Journal of Andrology2010-3-1
۱۱۹The effect of human chorionic gonadotropin treatment on recipient mouse germ cell proliferation following spermatogonial stem cell transplantation of neonatal donor miceAkhondi, M.M., Najar, R.A., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., (...), Hoseinzadeh, F., Heidari, M.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2010-1-1
۱۲۰Deletion and testicular expression of DAZ (deleted in azoospermia) gene in patients with non-obstructive azoospermiaAarabi, M., Saliminejad, K., Sadeghi, M.R., (...), Amirjannati, N., Modarressi, M.HAarabi, M., Saliminejad, K., Sadeghi, M.R., (...), Amirjannati, N., Modarressi, M.H2009
نمایش ۱۰۱ تا ۱۲۰ مورد از کل ۱۳۳ مورد.