مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۴۱A comparison study of efficacy and safety of a biosimilar form of intramuscular Βeta-interferon i-a versus the reference product: A randomized controlled clinical trial in IranNabavi, S.M., Abolfazli, R., Etemadrezaei, A., (...), Shekarchi, B., Soltanzadeh, A.Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,2019
۴۲Sexual self-efficacy and its predictor factors in women with multiple sclerosisGhasemi, V., Simbar, M., Ozgoli, G., (...), Alavi-Majd, H., Mirshafaei, M.S.Journal of Isfahan Medical School2019
۴۳Comparative effectiveness study in multiple sclerosis patients using instrumental variable analysisHosseini, H., Mansournia, M.A., Nabavi, S.M., (...), Mohammad, K., Majdzadeh, R.Archives of Iranian Medicine,2018-8-1
۴۴Menstrual disorders and related factors in women with multiple sclerosisZarabadipour, S., Amini, L., Nabavi, S.M., Haghani, HIranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility2018-6-1
۴۵Prevalence of restless legs syndrome and its related factors in patients with multiple sclerosisIzadi, N., Malek, M., Nabavi, S.M.Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences,2018-6-1
۴۶Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Persian version of COOP/WONCA charts in Persian-speaking Iranians with multiple sclerosisTaghipour, M., Salavati, M., Nabavi, S.M., (...), Negahban, H., Rajabzadeh, F.Disability and Rehabilitation2018-3-13
۴۷"Tau immunotherapy: Hopes and hindrances"Shahpasand, K., Sepehri Shamloo, A., Nabavi, S.M., Ping Lu, K., Zhen Zhou, XHuman Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics,2018-2-1
۴۸Identification of miR-24 and miR-137 as novel candidate multiple sclerosis miRNA biomarkers using multi-staged data analysis protocolEhya, F., Tehrani, H.A., Garshasbi, M., Nabavi, S.MMolecular Biology Research Communications2017-9-1
۴۹Low dose aspirin for MS-related fatigue: Results of a pilot, double-blind, randomized trialSadeghi-Naini, M., Ghazi-zadeh Esslami, G., Fayyazi, S., (...), Morsali, D., Ghaffarpour, M.Neurology Psychiatry and Brain Research2017-9-1
۵۰The Influence of Ex-PLISSIT (Extended Permission, Limited Information, Specific Suggestions, Intensive Therapy) Model on Intimacy and Sexuality of Married Women with Multiple SclerosisDaneshfar, F., Behboodi-Moghadam, Z., Khakbazan, Z., (...), Ghasemzadeh, S., Montazeri, A.Sexuality and Disability2017-12-1
۵۱Multiple sclerosis and environmental risk factors: a case-control study in IranAbbasi, M., Nabavi, S.M., Fereshtehnejad, S.M., (...), Abedini, M., Faraji, F.Neurological Sciences2017-11-1
۵۲Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program: The effect of a novel psycho-interventional method on quality of life, mental health, and self-efficacy in female patients with multiple sclerosis: A randomized clinical trialBesharat, M., Nabavi, S.M., Geranmayepour, S., Morsali, D., Haghani, S.Journal of Biology and Today's World2017-11-1
۵۳In silico perspectives on the prediction of the PLP's epitopes involved in multiple sclerosisZamanzadeh, Z., Ataei, M., Nabavi, S.M., (...), Sadeghi, M., Sanati, M.HIranian Journal of Biotechnology,2017
۵۴Quantitative MRI texture analysis in differentiating enhancing and non-enhancing t1-hypointense lesions without application of contrast agent in multiple sclerosisArdakani, A.A., Nabavi, S.M., Farzan, A., Najafabad, B.K.Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie2017
۵۵The effectiveness of the Permission, Limited Information, Specific suggestions, Intensive Therapy (PLISITT) model based sexual counseling on the sexual function of women with Multiple Sclerosis who are sexually activeKhakbazan, Z., Daneshfar, F., Behboodi-Moghadam, Z., (...), Ghasemzadeh, S., Mehran, A.Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders2016-7-1
۵۶Risk factors of multiple sclerosis and their relation with disease severity: A cross-sectional study from IranAbbasi, M., Nabavi, S.M., Fereshtehnejad, S.-M., (...), Abedini, M., Faraji, FArchives of Iranian Medicine2016-12-1
۵۷Association assessment between diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging indices and clinical disabilities in MS patientsKarami, V., Khayati, R.M., Nabavi, S.M.Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications2016-10-1
۵۸Association of new putative epitopes of myelin proteolipid protein (58-74) with pathogenesis of multiple sclerosisZamanzadeh, Z., Ahangari, G., Ataei, M., (...), Sadeghi, M., Sanati, M.H.Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology2016-10-1
۵۹A novel method for automatic classification of multiple sclerosis lesion subtypes using diffusion tensor MR imagesTadayon, E., Khayati, R.M., Karami, V., Nabavi, S.M.Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 28(5):-2016-10-1
۶۰Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: Usually forgotten in the clinical assessment of MS patientsNabavi, S.M., Sangelaji, B.Journal of Research in Medical Sciences2015-6-30
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