Determination of Algal Metabolites (2‑Methylisoborneol, Geosmin, IPMP, IBMP) in Urmia lake Based on Oil Droplets Microextraction Method coupled GC-FID

نویسندگانRahele Tahmasebia*, Mohammad Gheshlaghia, Naiema Vakili Saatloo
تاریخ برگزاری همایش2024
نوع ارائهپوستر
سطح همایشبین المللی

چکیده مقاله

Sunlight, decrease in water flow, increase in beach pollution, increase in water temperature cause algal bloom and produce secondary metabolites of algal toxins. Algal blooms are very complex. In some regions, this phenomenon is considered a seasonal phenomenon. Sometimes this phenomenon has a completely natural origin and sometimes it is caused by human activities.

Algal Metabolites compounds cause an unpleasant smell and taste in water. considering that the concentration threshold of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol for humans is reported to be at the effective level. Therefore, there is a need for powerful pre-concentration methods in order to identify concentrations at the effective level. The present study aimed to determine the occurrence of Algal Metabolites by liquid phase microextraction of oil combined with gas chromatography, equipped with a flame ionization detector in Urmia lake. In conclusion, In the summer season, the concentration of all four compounds has reached its highest value