مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۲۱In vitro assessment of the effects of anti-HER2 monoclonal antibodies on proliferation of HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cellsTahmasebi, F., Kazemi, T., Amiri, M.M., (...), Rabbani, H., Shokri, F.Immunotherapy2014
۱۲۲Assessment of the effect of TLR7/8, TLR9 agonists and CD40 ligand on the transformation efficiency of Epstein-Barr virus in human B lymphocytes by limiting dilution assayYounesi, V., Shirazi, F.G., Memarian, A., (...), Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Shokri, F.Cytotechnology2014
۱۲۳Docetaxel loaded PEG-PLGA nanoparticles: Optimized drug loading, in-vitro cytotoxicity and in-vivo antitumor effectKoopaei, M.N., Khoshayand, M.R., Mostafavi, S.H., (...), Atyabi, F., Dinarvand, R.Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2014
۱۲۴Immunization of mice with a novel recombinant molecular chaperon confers protection against Brucella melitensis infectionGhasemi, A., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Mautner, J., Salari, M.H., Zarnani, A.-H.Vaccine2014
۱۲۵Comparative analysis of NK cell subsets in menstrual and peripheral blood of patients with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion and fertile subjectsHosseini, S., Zarnani, A.-H., Asgarian-Omran, H., (...), Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Shokri, F.Journal of Reproductive Immunology2014
۱۲۶Ligation of human Fc receptor like-2 by monoclonal antibodies down-regulates B-cell receptor-mediated signallingShabani, M., Bayat, A.A., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., (...), Baldari, C.T., Shokri, F.Immunology2014
۱۲۷Cytotoxicity evaluation of taverniera spartea on human cancer cell linesKhalighi-Sigaroodi, F., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Ahvazi, M., (...), Mohajer, N., Zarei, S.Journal of Medicinal Plants2014
۱۲۸Production and characterization of a murine monoclonal antibody against human ferritinBayat, A.A., Yeganeh, O., Ghods, R., (...), Haghighat-Noutash, F., Jeddi-Tehrani, M.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2013
۱۲۹Eutopic and ectopic stromal cells from patients with endometriosis exhibit differential invasive, adhesive, and proliferative behaviorDelbandi, A.-A., Mahmoudi, M., Shervin, A., (...), Kazemnejad, S., Zarnani, A.-H.Fertility and Sterility2013
۱۳۰Optimization and efficient purification in production of Brucella melitensis recombinant HSP and TF proteins with low endotoxin contentsGhasemi, A., Salari, M.H., Pourmand, M.R., (...), Shirazi, M.H., Jeddi-Tehrani, M.Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology2013
۱۳۱Erratum: Construction and characterization of a new chimeric antibody against HER2 (Immunotherapy (2013) 5:7 (703-715))Amiri, M.M., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Kazemi, T.Immunotherapy2013
۱۳۲Opticin, a small leucine-rich proteoglycan, is uniquely expressed and translocated to the nucleus of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cellsMikaelsson, E., Osterborg, A., Tahmasebi Fard, Z., (...), Rabbani, H., Mellstedt, H.Experimental Hematology and Oncology2013
۱۳۳Cloning, expression and characterization of recombinant human Fc receptor like 1, 2 and 4 moleculesShabani, M., Hemmati, A., Zandemami, M., (...), Amirghofran, Z., Shokri, F.Iranian Journal of Biotechnology2013
۱۳۴Propagation of human germ stem cells in long-term cultureAkhondi, M.M., Mohazzab, A., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., (...), Khodadadi, A., Piravar, Z.International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine2013
۱۳۵Construction and characterization of a new chimeric antibody against HER2Amiri, M.M., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Kazemi, T., (...), Rabbani, H., Shokri, F.Immunotherapy2013
۱۳۶A Proline/Arginine-Rich End Leucine-Rich Repeat Protein (PRELP) Variant Is Uniquely Expressed in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia CellsMikaelsson, E., Osterborg, A., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., (...), Rabbani, H., Mellstedt, H.PLoS ONE2013
۱۳۷Differential regulation of B-cell proliferation by IL21 in different subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemiaGhalamfarsa, G., Jadidi-Niaragh, F., Hojjat-Farsangi, M., (...), Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Shokri, F.Cytokine2013
۱۳۸Immunogenicity assessment of Brucella mellitensis HSP and TF proteins by immunized rabbit serumGhasemi, A., Salari, M.H., Zarnani, A.H., (...), Shirazi, M.H., Jeddi-Tehrani, M.Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology2013
۱۳۹Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of two diphtheria-tetanus-whole cell pertussis vaccines in Iranian pre-school children, a randomized controlled trialZarei, S., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Akhondi, M.M., (...), Tavangar, B., Shokri, F.Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics2013
۱۴۰Frequency and Expression of Inhibitory Markers of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells in Patients with Common Variable ImmunodeficiencyArandi, N., Mirshafiey, A., Abolhassani, H., (...), Shaghaghi, M., Aghamohammadi, A.Scandinavian Journal of Immunology2013
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