مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۶۱Effect of 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 on cytokine production by endometrial cells of women with repeated implantation failureRajaei, S., Mirahmadian, M., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., (...), Dabbagh, A., Zarnani, A.H.Gynecological Endocrinology2012
۱۶۲Isolation, identification, and culture of goat spermatogonial stem cells using c-kit and PGP9.5 markersHeidari, B., Rahmati-Ahmadabadi, M., Akhondi, M.M., (...), Naderi, M.M., Behzadi, B.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics2012
۱۶۳A monoclonal antibody against leptinMahmoudian, J., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Bayat, A.A., (...), Hadavi, R., Zarei, S.Hybridoma2012
۱۶۴Osteogenic differentiation of stem cells derived from menstrual blood versus bone marrow in the presence of human platelet releasateDarzi, S., Zarnani, A.H., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., (...), Khanmohammadi, M., Kazemnejad, S.Tissue Engineering - Part A2012
۱۶۵Prostaglandin E2 induces growth inhibition, apoptosis and differentiation in T and B cell-derived acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines (CCRF-CEM and Nalm-6)Fard, S.S., Tehrani, M.J., Ardekani, A.M.Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids2012
۱۶۶Nestin, a neuroectodermal stem cell marker, is expressed by bovine sertoli cellsTajik, P., Barin, A., Movahedin, M., (...), Torkabadi, E., Qasemi-Panahi, B.Comparative Clinical Pathology2012
۱۶۷Monoclonal antibodies against ROR1 induce apoptosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cellsDaneshmanesh, A.H., Hojjat-Farsangi, M., Khan, A.S., (...), Rabbani, H., Mellstedt, H.Leukemia2012
۱۶۸Effect of menstrual blood-derived stromal stem cells on proliferative capacity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reactionNikoo, S., Ebtekar, M., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., (...), Kazemnejad, S., Zarnani, A.H.Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research2012
۱۶۹Umbelliprenin induces apoptosis in CLL cell linesZiai, S.A., Gholami, O., Iranshahi, M., Zamani, A.H., Jeddi-Tehrani, M.Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2012
۱۷۰Combination of thrombophilic gene polymorphisms as a cause of increased the risk of recurrent pregnancy lossTorabi, R., Zarei, S., Zeraati, H., (...), Shiraz, E.S., Jeddi-Tehrani, M.Journal of Reproduction and Infertility2012
۱۷۱The citrus flavonoid hesperidin induces p53 and inhibits NF-κB activation in order to trigger apoptosis in NALM-6 cells: Involvement of PPARgamma-dependent mechanismGhorbani, A., Nazari, M., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Zand, H.European Journal of Nutrition2012
۱۷۲Construction and stable expression of a truncated human receptor tyrosine kinase ror1 (Ror1-ECD)Forouzesh, F., Tabarian, S.S., Emami, S., (...), Hadavi, R., Rabbani, H.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2012
۱۷۳Cytokine profile in the endometrium of normal fertile and women with repeated implantation failureRajaei, S., Zarnani, A.H., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., (...), Dabbagh, A., Mirahmadian, M.Iranian Journal of Immunology2011
۱۷۴Bryostatin-1, fenretinide and 1alpha, 25 (OH) 2D 3 induce growth inhibition, apoptosis and differentiation in T and B cell-derived acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines (CCRF-CEM and Nalm-6)Ardekani, A.M., Fard, S.S., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Ghahremanzade, R.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2011
۱۷۵Expression profiling of vitamin D receptor in placenta, decidua and ovary of pregnant miceShahbazi, M., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Zareie, M., (...), Sadeghi, M.R., Zarnani, A.H.Placenta2011
۱۷۶Effects of 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 on cytokine production by endometrial cells of women with recurrent spontaneous abortionTavakoli, M., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Salek-Moghaddam, A., (...), Kazemi-Sefat, G.-E., Zarnani, A.H.Fertility and Sterility2011
۱۷۷Comparison of the photobleaching and photostability traits of Alexa fluor 568- and fluorescein isothiocyanate- conjugated antibodyMahmoudian, J., Hadavi, R., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., (...), Tarahomi, M., Ghods, R.Cell Journal2011
۱۷۸Analysis of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1, Integrin Beta3, Beta Fibrinogen, and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Polymorphisms in Iranian Women with Recurrent Pregnancy LossJeddi-Tehrani, M., Torabi, R., Zarnani, A.H., (...), Emami, S., Zarei, S.American Journal of Reproductive Immunology2011
۱۷۹Characterization of novel murine monoclonal antibodies directed against the extracellular domain of human HER2 tyrosine kinase receptorKazemi, T., Tahmasebi, F., Bayat, A.A., (...), Rabbani, H., Shokri, F.Hybridoma2011
۱۸۰Potentiation strategies of dendritic cell-based antitumor vaccines: Combinational therapy takes the front seatTorabi-Rahvar, M., Bozorgmehr, M., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Zarnani, A.H.Drug Discovery Today2011
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