مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱Low Prevalence of Anti-HBc Antibody and Lack of HBV DNA Among HBsAg-Negative Blood Donors in Iran: A Cross-sectional Study and Review of LiteratureHedayati-Moghaddam M.R., Tehranian F., Mosavat A., Miri R., Ahmadi Ghezeldasht S.Archives of Iranian medicine2024-6-1
۲Research Performance in Reproductive Biomedicine: A National Scientometrics StudyHashemain, Z., Dizaji, A.V., Lotfipanah, M., Afsharian, P., Vosough, M.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility,2023-11-1
۳Expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor A, mucin-1, colony-stimulating factor-1, heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor, and fibroblast growth factor 2 genes in the female reproductive tracts of women with ectopic pregnancy:Golkar, S., Chekini, Z., Amjadi, F., (...), Ghaffari, F., Aflatoonian, R.International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine,2023-10-1
۴Evaluation of Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) signaling pathway genes and its genetic polymorphisms in ectopic and eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosisAlmasi, M.Z., Hosseini, E., Jafari, R., (...), Afsharian, P., Aflatoonian, R.Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction,2021-11-1
۵Establishment and characterization of a PCOS and a normal human granulosa cell lineHashemian, Z., Afsharian, P., Farzaneh, P., (...), Daneshvar Amoli, A., Nasimian, A.Cytotechnology,2020-12-1
۶Differential expression of progesterone receptor isoforms related to PGR 331g/a polymorphism in endometriosis: A case-control studyMousazadeh, S., Ghaheri, A., Shahhoseini, M., Aflatoonian, R., Afsharian, P.International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine,2019-3-1)
۷Epigenetic Dynamics of HOXA10 Gene in Infertile Women With EndometriosisSamadieh, Y., Favaedi, R., Ramezanali, F., (...), Aflatoonian, R., Shahhoseini, M.Reproductive Sciences,2019-1-1)
۸Epigenetic Dynamics of HOXA10 Gene in Infertile Women With EndometriosisSamadieh, Y., Favaedi, R., Ramezanali, F., (...), Aflatoonian, R., Shahhoseini, M.Reproductive Sciences,2019-1-1
۹Role of epigenetic modifications in the aberrant CYP19A1 gene expression in polycystic ovary syndromeHosseini, E., Shahhoseini, M., Afsharian, P., (...), Mehraein, F., Afatoonian, R.Archives of Medical Science,2019
۱۰Role of epigenetic modifications in the aberrant CYP19A1 gene expression in polycystic ovary syndromeHosseini, E., Shahhoseini, M., Afsharian, P., (...), Mehraein, F., Afatoonian, R.Archives of Medical Science,2019
۱۱Altered expression of 3´ paralogus HOX A-D clusters in endometriosis disease: A case-control studyGolestan Jahromi, M., Aflatoonian, R., Afsharian, P., (...), Shahhoseini, M., Aflatoonian, A.International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine,2018-9-1
۱۲A review on various uses of N-acetyl cysteineMokhtari, V., Afsharian, P., Shahhoseini, M., Kalantar, S.M., Moini, A.Cell Journal2017
۱۳Differential incorporation of beta-actin as a component of RNA polymerase II into regulatory regions of stemness/differentiation genes in retinoic acid-induced differentiated human embryonic carcinoma cellsFalahzadeh, K., Shahhoseini, M., Afsharian, P.Cell Journal,2016-9-1
۱۴Epigenetic alterations of CYP19A1 gene in Cumulus cells and its relevance to infertility in endometriosisEpigenetic alterations of CYP19A1 gene in Cumulus cells and its relevance to infertility in endometriosisJournal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics,2016-8-1
۱۵Hypoxia and laser enhance expression of SDF-1 in muscles cellsMirahmadi, M., Ahmadiankia, N., Naderi-Meshkin, H., (...), Afsharian, P., Bahrami, A.R.Cellular and Molecular Biology,2016
۱۶Novel 90G>A intronic polymorphism of CYP2D6Modaresi-Nejad, M., Shiva, M., Afsharian, P.Cell Journal,2015-7-1
۱۷No relationship between most polymorphisms of steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) gene with polycystic ovarian syndromeNazouri, A.-S., Khosravifar, M., Akhlaghi, A.-A., Shiva, M., Afsharian, P.Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine,2015-12-1
۱۸Macrophage migration inhibitory factor as a potential biomarker of endometriosisMahdian, S., Aflatoonian, R., Yazdi, R.S., (...), Afsharian, P., Shahhoseini, M.Fertility and Sterility,2015
۱۹Erratum: Cyclophosphamide alters the gene expression profile in patients treated with high doses prior to stem cell transplantation (PLoS ONE (2014) 9:1 (e86619) DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0086619)El-Serafi, I., Abedi-Valugerdi, M., Potacova, Z., Afsharian, P., Mattsson, J.PLoS ONE2014-3-18
۲۰Cyclophosphamide alters the gene expression profile in patients treated with high doses prior to stem cell transplantationEl-Serafi, I., Abedi-Valugerdi, M., Potacova, Z., (...), Moshfegh, A., Hassan, M.PLoS ONE2014-1-22
نمایش ۱ تا ۲۰ مورد از کل ۳۷ مورد.