مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۲۱Sonographic findings in partial type of trisomy 18Niknejadi, M., Ahmadi, F., Akhbari, F., Afsharian, P.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility2014-1-1
۲۲The effect of repeated administration of cyclophosphamide on cytochrome P450 2B in ratsAfsharian, P., Terelius, Y., Hassan, Z., (...), Lundgren, S., Hassan, M.Clinical Cancer Research2007-7-15
۲۳Low Prevalence of Anti-HBc Antibody and Lack of HBV DNA Among HBsAg-Negative Blood Donors in Iran: A Cross-sectional Study and Review of LiteratureHedayati-Moghaddam M.R., Tehranian F., Mosavat A., Miri R., Ahmadi Ghezeldasht S.Archives of Iranian medicine,(2024-6-1)
۲۴TGFbeta Gene Members and Their Regulatory Factors in Granulosa Compared to Cumulus Cells in PCOS: A Case-Control StudyAlvandian, F., Hosseini, E., Hashemian, Z., (...), Shiva, M., Afsharian, P.Cell Journal,(2022-7-1)
۲۵Spontaneous and induced chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood of women with endometriosis: Evidence of genomic instabilityBoroujeni, P.B., Beheshti, Z., Eshaghizadeh, S.H., Afsharian, P., Mohsenimeybodi, A.Minerva Obstetrics and Gynecology,(2021-6-1)
۲۶Genetic contribution of HIST1H1T regulatory region alternations to human nonobstructive azoospermiaMollaee, Z., Favaedi, R., Jazireian, P., (...), Mohseni Meybodi, A., Shahhoseini, M.Andrologia(2020-8-1)
۲۷A novel gene-wide haplotype at the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) locus is associated with endometriomaChekini, Z., Poursadoughian Yaran, A., Ansari-Pour, N., (...), Aflatoonian, R., Afsharian, P.European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology,(2020-4-1)
۲۸The effect of imbalanced progesterone receptor-A/-B ratio on gelatinase expressions in endometriosisMousazadeh, S., Ghaheri, A., Shahhoseini, M., Aflatoonian, R., Afsharian, P.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility,(2019-9-1)
۲۹Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling in ectopic and eutopic of endometrial tissuesBarjaste, N., Shahhoseini, M., Afsharian, P., Sharifi-Zarchi, A., Masoudi-Nejad, A.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics,(2019-8-15)
۳۰Epigenetic role of the nuclear factor NF-Y on Id gene family in endometrial tissues of women with endometriosis: A case control studyEpigenetic role of the nuclear factor NF-Y on Id gene family in endometrial tissues of women with endometriosis: A case control studyReproductive Biology and Endocrinology,(2019-3-15)
۳۱Altered expression of 3´ paralogus HOX A-D clusters in endometriosis disease: A case-control studyGolestan Jahromi, M., Aflatoonian, R., Afsharian, P., (...), Shahhoseini, M., Aflatoonian, A.International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine,(2018-9-1)
۳۲Increased expression of stemness genes rex-1, oct-4, nanog, and sox-2 in women with ovarian endometriosis versus normal endometrium: A case-control studyShariati, F., Favaedi, R., Ramazanali, F., (...), Aflatoonian, R., Shahhoseini, M.International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine(2018-12-1)
۳۳Increased expression of stemness genes rex-1, oct-4, nanog, and sox-2 in women with ovarian endometriosis versus normal endometrium: A case-control studyShariati, F., Favaedi, R., Ramazanali, F., (...), Aflatoonian, R., Shahhoseini, M.International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine,(2018-12-1)
۳۴Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase influences CYP2B6 activity in cyclophosphamide bioactivationEl-Serafi, I., Afsharian, P., Moshfegh, A., Hassan, M., Terelius, Y.PLoS ONE(2015-11-6)
۳۵Cytochrome P450 2J2, a new key enzyme in cyclophosphamide bioactivation and a potential biomarker for hematological malignanciesEl-Serafi, I., Fares, M., Abedi-Valugerdi, M., (...), Potacova, Z., Hassan, M.Pharmacogenomics Journal,(2015-10-24)
۳۶The effect of ciprofloxacin on cyclophosphamide pharmacokinetics in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphomaAfsharian, P., Mollgard, L., Hassan, Z., (...), Kimby, E., Hassan, M.European Journal of Haematology,(2005-9-1)
۳۷Cyclophosphamide induces mRNA, protein and enzyme activity of cytochrome P450 in ratXie, H., Afsharian, P., Terelius, Y., (...), Rane, A., Hassan, M.Xenobiotica(2005-3-1)
نمایش ۲۱ تا ۳۷ مورد از کل ۳۷ مورد.