مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۰۱Evaluation of Lavandula officinalis extract on lymphocyte proliferation and tumor necrosis factor-alpha productionEvaluation of Lavandula officinalis extract on lymphocyte proliferation and tumor necrosis factor-alpha productionJournal of Medicinal Plants2011
۱۰۲Herbal medicine in the treatment of premenstrual syndromesKashani, L., Hajiaghaee, R., Akhondzadeh, S.Journal of Medicinal Plants2011
۱۰۳Determination of phenolics and flavonoid contents, antioxidant capacity and major flavonoids structure in Teucrium perscicum boissMiri, A., Monsef-Esfahani, H.R., Amini, M., (...), Hadjiakhoondi, A., Hajiaghaee, R.Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances2011
۱۰۴Study of quality and quantity Asperula glomerata essential oil from two alborz areasKohandel, A., Ghasemi, S., Javadi, A., Hajiaghaee, R.Journal of Medicinal Plants2011
۱۰۵Evaluation of Ocimum basilicum effects on uterus apoptosis in rats exposures in electromagnetic fieldsKhaki, A.A., Fathiazad, F., Ahmadi - Ashtiani, H.R., (...), Khaki, A., Hajiaghaii, R.Journal of Medicinal Plant2010
۱۰۶Simultaneous determination of preservatives (sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate) in soft drinks and herbal extracts using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)Khosrokhavar, R., Sadeghzadeh, N., Amini, M., (...), Hajiaghaee, R., Ejtemaei Mehr, Sh.Journal of Medicinal Plants2010
۱۰۷Antidiabetic effects of Juglans regia leave's methanolic extract on alloxan-induced male wisrar ratsTeimoori, M., Montaser, K.Sh., Ghafarzadegan, R., Hajiaghaee, R.Journal of Medicinal Plants2010
۱۰۸On the benefit of Teucrium in murine colitis through improvement of toxic inflammatory mediatorsAbdolghaffari, A.H., Baghaei, A., Moayer, F., (...), Hajiaghaee, R., Abdollahi, M.Human and Experimental Toxicology2010
۱۰۹Human and Experimental Toxicology,Monsef-Esfahani, H.R., Hajiaghaee, R., Shahverdi, A.R., Khorramizadeh, M.R., Amini, M.Pharmaceutical Biology2010
۱۱۰Study of hypoglycemic effect of Juglans regia leaves and its mechanismTeimori, M., Montasser Kouhsari, S., Ghafarzadegan, R., Hajiaghaee, R.Journal of Medicinal Plants2010
۱۱۱Chemical compounds of essensial oil and antibacterial effects of thymus caucasicusHajiaghaee, R., Rezazadeh, Sh., Ajani, Y., (...), Agha-Mohammadzade, S., Alavi, H.R.Journal of Medicinal Plants2009
۱۱۲Zebra fish: Technology for natural product discoveryHajiaghaee, R., Bagherzadeh, Z., Zarea, B., Faramarzi, M.A., Shahverdi, A.R.Journal of Medicinal Plants2009
۱۱۳Suppression of nitric oxide production in activated murine peritoneal macrophages in vitro and ex vivo by Scrophularia striata ethanolic extractAzadmehr, A., Afshari, A., Baradaran, B., (...), Rezazadeh, S., Monsef-Esfahani, H.Journal of Ethnopharmacology2009
۱۱۴1-Methyl malate from Berberis integerrima fruits enhances the antibacterial activity of ampicillin against Staphylococcus aureusAlimirzaee, P., Gohari, A.R., Hajiaghaee, R., (...), Saeidnia, S., Shahverdi, A.R.Phytotherapy Research2009
۱۱۵Phenolic compounds from Peucedanum ruthenicum M. BiebAlavi, S.H.R., Yassa, N., Hajiaghaee, R., (...), Ajani, Y., Hadjiakhondi, A.Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2009
۱۱۶Antifungal and antibacterial activities of Pentanema divaricatum and its active constituentMomen-Roknabadi, N., Gohari, A.R., Monsef-Esfehani, H.R., (...), Kamalinia, G., Shahverdi, A.R.Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of Biosciences2008
۱۱۷Inhibitory effect of aerial parts of Scrophularia striata on matrix metalloproteinases expressionHajiaghaee, R., Monsef-Esfahani, H.R., Khorramizadeh, M.R., (...), Shahverdi, A.R., Attar, F.Phytotherapy Research2007
نمایش ۱۰۱ تا ۱۱۷ مورد از کل ۱۱۷ مورد.