مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۴۱The structure of human mesenchymal stem cells differentiated into cartilage in micromass culture systemEslaminejad, M.B., Nikmahzar, A., Yazdi, P.E., Piryaei, A.Yakhteh2006-9-1
۱۴۲Murine mesenchymal stem cells isolated by low density primary culture systemEslaminejad, M.B., Nikmahzar, A., Taghiyar, L., Nadri, S., Massumi, MDevelopment Growth and Differentiation2006-8-1
۱۴۳Computerized three-dimensional reconstruction of cartilage canals in chick tibial chondroepiphysisEslaminejad, M.R.B., Valojerdi, M.R., Yazdi, P.E.Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C: Anatomia Histologia Embryologia,2006-8-1
۱۴۴Effect of fragment removal on blastocyst formation and quality of human embryosEftekhari-Yazdi, P., Valojerdi, M.R., Ashtiani, S.K., Eslaminejad, M.B., Karimian, LReproductive BioMedicine Online,2006-12-1
۱۴۵Murine adherent CD34 + cell population expanded by single cell cloningEslaminejad, M.B., Fathi, F., Yazdi, P.E., Asehara, T.Yakhteh2006-12-1
۱۴۶Micromass culture for cartilage differentiationEslaminejad, M.B., Taghiyar, L., Gharezi, A., Piriai, A.Yakhteh2006-12-1
۱۴۷A comparison of polarized and non-polarized human endometrial monolayer culture systems on murine embryo developmentEslami Nejad, M.R.B., Valojerdi, M.R., Ashtiani, S.KJournal of Experimental and Clinical Assisted Reproduction2005-4-19
۱۴۸Effect of polarized human uterine epithelial cells on mouse embryo development and blastocyst cellularityBagheban Eslami Nejad, M.R., Rezazadeh, M., Kazemy Ashtiani, S., Eftekhary, P.Yakhteh2005-3-1
۱۴۹Co-culture engineering: a promising strategy for production of engineered extracellular vesicle for osteoarthritis treatmentEsmaeili, A., Hosseini, S., Baghaban Eslaminejad, MCell Communication and Signaling(2024-12-1)
۱۵۰Investigation of osteogenesis and angiogenesis in perfusion bioreactors using improved multi-layer PCL-nHA-nZnO electrospun scaffoldsDeymeh, S.M., Hashemi-Najafabadi, S., Baghaban-Eslaminejad, M., Bagheri, FBiotechnology Letters(2023-9-1)
۱۵۱Advances in mechanically robust and biomimetic polysaccharide-based constructs for cartilage tissue engineeringBaei, P., Daemi, H., Aramesh, F., Baharvand, H., Eslaminejad, M.B.Carbohydrate Polymers(2023-5-15
۱۵۲Comparison of Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous and Open Surgery Approaches in The Animal Model of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha-Induced Disc DegenerationTayebi, B., Molazem, M., Babaahmadi, M., (...), Hassani, S.-N., Hajizadeh-Saffar, E.Cell Journal(2023-5-1)
۱۵۳Preparation of gum tragacanth/poly (vinyl alcohol)/halloysite hydrogel using electron beam irradiation with potential for bone tissue engineeringDehghan-Niri, M., Vasheghani-Farahani, E., Eslaminejad, M.B., Tavakol, M., Bagheri, FCarbohydrate Polymers(2023-4-1)
۱۵۴Investigating of physical, mechanical, and biological properties of polyhydroxybutyrate-keratin/alumina electrospun scaffold utilized in bone tissue engineeringGhafari, F., Karbasi, S., Eslaminejad, M.BMaterials Chemistry and Physics(2023-3-1)
۱۵۵Effective role of Curcumin on expression regulation of EZH2 histone methyltransferase as a dynamic epigenetic factor in osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cellsGhorbaninejad, M., Khademi-Shirvan, M., Hosseini, S., (...), Shahhoseini, M., Baghaban Eslaminejad, M....Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms,(2023-3-1)
۱۵۶Development of osteon-like scaffold-cell construct by quadruple coaxial extrusion-based 3D bioprinting of nanocomposite hydrogelGhahri, T., Salehi, Z., Aghajanpour, S., (...), Jang, H.L., Esfandyari-Manesh, M.Biomaterials Advances(2023-2-1)
۱۵۷Clinical Evaluation of Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Female Lewis Rats: A Comprehensive Analysis of Disease Progression and SeverityBabaahmadi, M., Gholipour, N.M., Tayebi, B., (...), Eslaminejad, M.B., Hassani, S.-NBabaahmadi, M., Gholipour, N.M., Tayebi, B., (...), Eslaminejad, M.B., Hassani, S.-N(2023-12-1)
۱۵۸Rheumatoid arthritis: the old issue, the new therapeutic approachBabaahmadi, M., Tayebi, B., Gholipour, N.M., (...), Hajizadeh-Saffar, E., Hassani, S.-NStem Cell Research and Therapy(2023-12-1
۱۵۹Higher ratios of chondrocyte to mesenchymal stem cells elevate the therapeutic effects of extracellular vesicles harvested from chondrocyte/mesenchymal stem cell co-culture on osteoarthritis in a rat modelHigher ratios of chondrocyte to mesenchymal stem cells elevate the therapeutic effects of extracellular vesicles harvested from chondrocyte/mesenchymal stem cell co-culture on osteoarthritis in a rat modelCell and Tissue Research,(2023-10-1)
۱۶۰Strong and bioactive bioinspired biomaterials, next generation of bone adhesivesStrong and bioactive bioinspired biomaterials, next generation of bone adhesivesAdvances in Colloid and Interface Science(2022-7-1)
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