مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۲۱Robust Switching Surfaces Sliding Mode Guidance for Terminal Rendezvous in Near Circular OrbitSeyed Aliakbar Kasaeian, Masoud EbrahimSpace Science and Technology2018/8/23
۲۲Robust Switching Surfaces Sliding Mode Guidance for Terminal Rendezvous in Near Circular OrbitSeyed Aliakbar Kasaeian, Masoud EbrahimSpace Science and Technology2018/8/23
۲۳“Wasted performance” minimization of the multi-purpose mini-satellite platform for an EO mission using a dynamic simulation-based modelAsad Saghari, Shima Rahmani, Amirreza Kosari, Masoud EbrahimiAerospace Science and Technology2018/2/1
۲۴Robust ascent trajectory design and optimization of a typical launch vehicleJafar Roshanian, Ali A Bataleblu, Masoud EbrahimiProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science2018/12
۲۵Experimental investigation, modeling and prediction of transition from uniform discharge to filamentary discharge in DBD plasma actuators using artificial neural networkSadegh Dalvand, Masoud Ebrahimi, Sohrab Gholamhosein PouryoussefiApplied Thermal Engineering2018/1/25
۲۶Optimization of the Ratio of Induced Flow Velocity to Electrical Power Consumption in the DBD Plasma Actuator Using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic AlgorithmMohammad Sadegh Dalvand, Gholamhosein Pouryoussefi, Masoud EbrahimiModares Mechanical Engineering2018/1/10
۲۷A Review of Integrated Navigation System GPS/INS Methods and Study of New Approaches in This FieldM Norouz, MV ArbabmirJOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING2018/1/1
۲۸Improvement of the Electrical Potential Distribution on the Surface Geostationary Satellites using Material ChangeArman Samadi, Masoud Ebrahimik, Hossein JahanbakhshSpace Science and Technology2017/11/22
۲۹Sliding mode predictive guidance for terminal rendezvous in eccentric orbitsSeyed Aliakbar Kasaeian, Nima Assadian, Masoud EbrahimiActa Astronautica2017/11/1
۳۰Experimental investigation of the effect of geometrical and electrical variables on the performance of the DBD plasma actuators in uniform and filamentary regimesMS Dalvand, M Ebrahimi, G PouryoussefiJournal of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Tabriz2017
۳۱Develop mission catalog and robust pattern recognition algorithm to enhance the performance of the star tracker throughout the dayM Ebrahimi, J Roshanian, S Yazdani, S BekranBeheshtJournal of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tabriz2017
۳۲Small satellite thermal control sub-system conceptual design optimization methodologyDEHGHAN MEHRAN MANSOUR, Masoud Ebrahimi, Oveis NegareshModares Mechanical Engineering2016/1/1
۳۳Study of recovery system performance of a sounding rocket using launching testsF RasiMarzabadi, R Meshkani, H Pouryavi, MA Farsi, M EbrahimiJournal of Space Science and Technology2014/7/1
۳۴Multidisciplinary design optimization of space transportation control system using genetic algorithmJafar Roshanian, Masoud Ebrahimi, Ehsan Taheri, Ali Asghar BatalebluProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering2014/3
۳۵Masoud Ebrahimi Latin hypercube sampling applied to reliability-based multidisciplinary design optimization of a launch vehicleJafar Roshanian, Masoud EbrahimiAerospace Science and Technology2013/7/1
۳۶Star catalog criteria selection and mission catalog update for a typical star trackerJafar Roshanian, Mehdi Hassani, Shabnam Yazdan, Masoud EbrahimiSpace Science and Technology2013/1/1
۳۷Consideration on Actualizing the Non-Dimensional Star Pattern Recognition Algorithm for a Typical Laboratory Star TrackerJafar Roshanian, Shabnam Yazdani, S Mehdi Hasani, Masoud Ebrahimi KachouieSpace Science and Technology2012/7/1
۳۸Multidisciplinary design optimization approach for a small solid propellant launch vehicle conceptual design using hybrid simulated annealingMasoud Ebrahimi, Jafar Roshanian, Farnaz BarzinpourApplied Mechanics and Materials2012/1/13
۳۹Performance Analysis of Nasir 1 Star Tracker in the Presence of Systematic Errors using Monte-Carlo MethodJafar Roshanian, Shabnam Yazdani, Mehdi Hassani, Masoud EbrahimiJournal of Control2012/1/1
۴۰Survey on Nondeterministic Optimal Design and Its Applications in the Aerospace Industryجعفر روشنی یان, جعفر, ابراهیمی, مسعود, بطالبلوSpace Science and Technology2012/1/1
نمایش ۲۱ تا ۴۰ مورد از کل ۴۵ مورد.