مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۴۱Morphological Changes Induced By Extremely Low-Frequency Electric FieldsImani, M., Kazemi, S., Saviz, M., (...), Sadeghi, B., Faraji-dana, R.Bioelectromagnetics2019
۴۲Recruited bone marrow derived cells, local stromal cells and IL-17 at the front line of resistance development to anti-VEGF targeted therapiesDarvishi, B., Majidzadeh-A, K., Ghadirian, R., Mosayebzadeh, M., Farahmand, L.Life Sciences2019
۴۳A review on the role of VEGF in tamoxifen resistanceMansouri, S., Feizi, N., Mahdi, A., Majidzadeh-A, K., Farahmand, L.Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry2018
۴۴Stemness phenotype in tamoxifen resistant breast cancer cells may be induced by interactions between receptor tyrosine kinases and ERalpha-66Farahmand, L., Mansouri, S., Jafarbeik-Iravani, N., Teymourzadeh, A., Majidzadeh-A, K.Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery2018
۴۵Probable mechanisms involved in immunotoxin mediated capillary leak syndrome (CLS) and recently developed countering strategiesDarvishi, B., Farahmand, L., Jalili, N., Majidzadeh-A, K.Current Molecular Medicine2018
۴۶Clinical evidence on the magnitude of change in growth pathway activity in relation to tamoxifen resistance is requiredMansouri, S., Farahmand, L., Teymourzadeh, A., Majidzadeh-A, K.Current Cancer Drug Targets2018
۴۷Significant role of MUC1 in development of resistance to currently existing anti-cancer therapeutic agentsFarahmand, L., Merikhian, P., Jalili, N., Darvishi, B., Majidzadeh-A, K.Current Cancer Drug Targets2018
۴۸Unique CD44 intronic SNP is associated with tumor grade in breast cancer: A case control study and in silico analysisEsmaeili, R., Abdoli, N., Yadegari, F., (...), Kaviani, A., Majidzadeh-A, K.Cancer Cell International2018
۴۹The effect of mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium on proliferation and apoptosis of breast cancer cell lineFarahmand, L., Esmaeili, R., Eini, L., Majidzadeh-A, K.Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics2018
۵۰Monoclonal antibody-based therapeutics, targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor family: from herceptin to Pan HERMoradi-Kalbolandi, S., Hosseinzade, A., Salehi, M., Merikhian, P., Farahmand, L.Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology2018
۵۱Functionalised nanomaterials for eradication of CSCs, a promising approach for overcoming tumour heterogeneityFarahmand, L., Darvishi, B., Salehi, M., Samadi Kouchaksaraei, S., Majidzadeh-A, K.Journal of Drug Targeting2018
۵۲Self-filling microwell arrays (SFMAs) for tumor spheroid formationSeyfoori, A., Samiei, E., Jalili, N., (...), Majidzadeh-A, K., Akbari, M.Lab on a Chip2018
۵۳Challenges of endocrine therapy in breast cancerMansouri, S., Teymourzadeh, A., Farahmand, L., Majidzadeh-A, K.Cancer Genetics and Psychotherapy2017
۵۴MED1 may explain the interaction between receptor tyrosine kinases and ERalpha66 in the complicated network of Tamoxifen resistanceMansouri, S., Naghavi-al-Hosseini, F., Farahmand, L., Majidzadeh-A, K.European Journal of Pharmacology2017
۵۵Suppression of chronic inflammation with engineered nanomaterials delivering nuclear factor jb transcription factor decoy oligodeoxynucleotidesFarahmand, L., Darvishi, B., Majidzadeh-A, K.Drug Delivery2017
۵۶The A-kinase anchoring proteins correlation with disease free survival in breast cancerEsmaeili, R., Samadi, T., Abdoli, N., (...), Farahmand, L., Salehi, M.Tehran University Medical Journal2017
۵۷NF-κB as the main node of resistance to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancerDarvishi, B., Farahmand, L., Eslami-S, Z., Majidzadeh-A, K.Tumor Biology2017
۵۸Investigating Prevalence and Pattern of Long-term Cardiovascular Disorders in Sulphur Mustard-exposed Victims and Determining Proper Biomarkers for Early Defining, Monitoring and Analysis of Patients' Feedback on TherapyDarvishi, B., Panahi, Y., Ghanei, M., Farahmand, L.Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology2017
۵۹Naturally occurring compounds acting as potent anti-metastatic agents and their suppressing effects on Hedgehog and WNT/beta-catenin signalling pathwaysFarahmand, L., Darvishi, B., Majidzadeh-A, K., Madjid Ansari, A.Cell Proliferation2017
۶۰Extremely low frequency magnetic field enhances glucose oxidase expression in Pichia pastoris GS115Madjid Ansari, A., Majidzadeh-A, K., Darvishi, B., (...), Farahmand, L., Norouzian, D.Enzyme and Microbial Technology2017
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