مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۲۱Rare case of an oligospermic male with 46,XX/46,XY tetragametic chimerismMagharehabed, M., Almadani, N., Askari, M., (...), Masoudi, N.-S., Totonchi, M.Andrologia2019-8-1
۲۲Stabilizing osmolytes' effects on the structure, stability and function of tc-tenecteplase: A one peptide bond digested form of tenecteplaseBayat, M., Karami, L., Gourabi, H., (...), Nasr Esfahani, M.H., Saboury, A.A.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2019-6-1
۲۳Bi-allelic Mutations in ARMC2 Lead to Severe Astheno-Teratozoospermia Due to Sperm Flagellum Malformations in Humans and MiceCoutton, C., Martinez, G., Kherraf, Z.-E., (...), Arnoult, C., Ray, P.F.American Journal of Human Genetics,2019-2-7
۲۴Total antioxidant capacity; a potential biomarker for non-invasive sex prediction in culture medium of preimplantation human embryosNasiri, N., Karimian, L., Hassani, F., (...), Zolfaghari, Z., Eftekhari-Yazdi, P.Cell Journal2019-12-1
۲۵Whole exome sequencing of men with multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella reveals novel homozygous QRICH2 mutationsKherraf, Z.-E., Cazin, C., Coutton, C., (...), Arnoult, C., Ray, P.F.Clinical Genetics2019-11-1
۲۶Identification of a missense variant in CLDN2 in obstructive azoospermiaAskari, M., Karamzadeh, R., Ansari-Pour, N., (...), McElreavey, K., Totonchi, M.Journal of Human Genetics,2019-10-1
۲۷The role of DEFB126 variation in male infertility and medically assisted reproduction technique outcomeBoroujeni, P.B., Ebrahimian, S., Abedini, M., (...), Sabbaghian, M., Meybodi, A.M.Reproductive BioMedicine Online2019-10-1
۲۸Designing a transgenic chicken: Applying new approaches toward a promising bioreactorBahrami, S., Amiri-Yekta, A., Daneshipour, A., (...), Sanati, M.H., Gourabi, H.Cell Journal,2019
۲۹A Homozygous Ancestral SVA-Insertion-Mediated Deletion in WDR66 Induces Multiple Morphological Abnormalities of the Sperm Flagellum and Male InfertilityKherraf, Z.-E., Amiri-Yekta, A., Dacheux, D., (...), Bonhivers, M., Ray, P.F.American Journal of Human Genetics2018-9-6
۳۰A comparative study of structure, stability and function of sc-tenecteplase in the presence of stabilizing osmolytesBayat, M., Gourabi, H., khammari, A., Ahmad, F., Saboury, A.A.Journal of Biotechnology2018-8-20
۳۱Vector and Cell Line Engineering Technologies Toward Recombinant Protein Expression in Mammalian Cell LinesJazayeri, S.H., Amiri-Yekta, A., Bahrami, S., (...), Sanati, M.H., Khorramizadeh, M.R.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology2018-8-1
۳۲Fecundity in an infertile man with r(15) - a challenge to the current paradigmKalantari, H., Karimi, H., Almadani, S.N., (...), Gourabi, H., Mohseni Meybodi, A.Reproductive BioMedicine Online,2018-2-1
۳۳Mutations in CFAP43 and CFAP44 cause male infertility and flagellum defects in Trypanosoma and humanCoutton, C., Vargas, A.S., Amiri-Yekta, A., (...), Arnoult, C., Ray, P.FNature Communications2018-12-1
۳۴Erratum: COMPARE CPM-RMI trial: Intramyocardial transplantation of autologous bone marrow-derived CD133+ cells and MNCs during CABG in patients with recent MI: A phase II/III, multicenter, placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind clinical trial. (CelNaseri, M.H., Madani, H., Tafti, S.H.A., (...), Baharvand, H., Aghdami, N.Cell Journal2018
۳۵Expression analysis of genes encoding TEX11, TEX12, TEX14 and TEX15 in testis tissues of men with non-obstructive azoospermiaBoroujeni, P.B., Sabbaghian, M., Totonchi, M., (...), Sadighi-Gilani, M.A., Gourabi, H.Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida2018
۳۶COMPARE CPM-RMI Trial: Intramyocardial transplantation of autologous bone marrow-derived CD133+ Cells and MNCs during CABG in patients with recent MI: A Phase II/III, multicenter, placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind clinical trialNaseri, M.H., Madani, H., Tafti, S.H.A., (...), Baharvand, H., Aghdami, N.Cell Journal2018
۳۷Association study of SPATA-16 polymorphism with male infertility in Iranian populationRoozbahani, G.A., Sheidai, M., Noormohammadi, Z., Gourabi, H.Meta Gene2017-9-1
۳۸Quantitative proteomic analysis of human testis reveals system-wide molecular and cellular pathways associated with non-obstructive azoospermiaAlikhani, M., Mirzaei, M., Sabbaghian, M., (...), Baharvand, H., Salekdeh, G.H.Journal of Proteomics,2017-6-6
۳۹FMR1 premutation: not only important in premature ovarian failure but also in diminished ovarian reserveEslami, A., Farahmand, K., Totonchi, M., (...), Gourabi, H., Mohseni-Meybodi, A.Human Fertility2017-4-3)
۴۰Interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer in Asiatic cheetah using nuclei derived from post-mortem frozen tissue in absence of cryo-protectant and in vitro matured domestic cat oocytesMoulavi, F., Hosseini, S.M., Tanhaie-Vash, N., (...), Vosough, A.D., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Theriogenology,2017-3-1
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