مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۲۱No evidence of HTLV-II infection among immonoblot indeterminate samples using nested PCR in Mashhad, Northeast of IranRafatpanah, H., Fathimoghadam, F., Shahabi, M., (...), Miri, R., Bazarbachi, A.Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences2013-3-1
۲۲A systematic review for estimation of HTLV-I infection in the blood donors of IranHedayati-Moghaddam, M.R.Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences2013-3-1
۲۳Knowledge and attitudes of physicians in private practice towards HIV/AIDS in Mashhad, IranHedayati-Moghaddam, M.R., Moradi Marjaneh, M., Eftekharzadeh Mashhadi, I.International Journal of STD and AIDS,2012-8-1
۲۴The prevalence of hepatitis b antigen-positivity in the general population of Mashhad, IranFathimoghaddam, F., Hedayati-Moghaddam, M.R., Bid-Khori, H.R., Ahmadi, S., Sima, H.R.Hepatitis Monthly,2011-5-1
۲۵Epidemiology of HTLV-1 in Neyshabour, Northeast of IranHedayati-Moghaddam, M.R., Fathimoghadam, F., Eftekharzadeh Mashhadi, I., Soghandi, L., Bidkhori, H.R..Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal,2011 /
۲۶Assessment of psychiatric symptoms using SCL-90-R among HIV/AIDS individuals in Razavi Khorasan Province, IranHedayati-Moghaddam, M.R., Mashhadi, I.E., Zibaee, R., (...), Fathi-Moghaddam, F., Bidkhori, H.Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal2011
۲۷Utility of flexor carpi radialis H-reflex in diagnosis of cervical radiculopathyEliaspour, D., Sanati, E., Hedayati Moqadam, M.R., Rayegani, S.M., Bahrami, M.H.Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology,2009-12-1
۲۸Erratum: Knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS in Mashhad, Islamic Republic of Iran (Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (2008) 14 (16) (1321-1332))Hedayati-Moghaddam, M.R.Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal,2009-1-1
۲۹Correlation of HER2/neu over expression, p53 protein accumulation and steroid receptor status with tumor characteristics: An Iranian study of breast cancer patientsMorandi-Marjaneh, M., Homaei-Shandiz, F., Shamsian, S.A.A., Eftekhar-Zadek Mashhadi, I., Hedayati-Moghadam,..Morandi-Marjaneh, M., Homaei-Shandiz, F., Shamsian, S.A.A., Eftekhar-Zadek Mashhadi, I., Hedayati-Moghadam,..2008
۳۰Knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS in Mashhad, Islamic Republic of IranHedayati-Moghaddam, M.R.Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal,2008
۳۱Upregulation of Oxidative Phosphorylation Genes in Cumulus Cells of The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients with or without Insulin ResistanceMotiee, B., Mousavi, S.O.R., Eslami, M., (...), Hassani, F., Bazrgar, M.Cell Journal,(2024-4-1)
۳۲Rate of occult hepatitis B virus infection among individuals with tuberculosis in northeastern Iran: A molecular epidemiological studyAhmadi Ghezeldasht, S., Soleimanpour, S., Hedayati-Moghaddam, M.R., (...), Rezaee, S.A., Mosavat, A....Journal of Virus Eradication,(2023-6-1)
۳۳Updates on the Epidemiology of the Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Infection in the Countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of the World Health Organization with Special Emphasis on the Situation in IranHedayati-Moghaddam, M.R., Esfehani, R.J., El Hajj, H., Bazarbachi, A.Hedayati-Moghaddam, M.R., Esfehani, R.J., El Hajj, H., Bazarbachi, A.(2022-4-1)
۳۴Evaluation of non-viral surrogate markers as predictive indicators for monitoring progression of human immunodeficiency virus infection: An eight-year analysis in a regional centerRafatpanah, H., Essmailian, L., Hedayati-Moghaddam, M.R., (...), Sharebiani, H., Rezaee, S.A.R.Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases(2016-1-21)
۳۵Population movement and virus spreading: HEV spreading in a pilgrimage city, Mashhad in Northeast Iran; An exampleGhezeldasht, S.A., Miri, R., Hedayatimoghadam, M., (...), Fathimoghadam, F., Rezaee, S.A.Hepatitis Monthly(2013-8-4)
۳۶Clinical features of HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) in northeast IranClinical features of HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) in northeast IranActa Neurologica Belgica,(2013-12-1
۳۷The pattern of muscle involvement in ulnar neuropathy at the elbowEliaspour, D., Sedighipour, L., Hedayati-Moghaddam, M.R., (...), Bahrami, M.H., Roghani, R.S.Neurology India(2012-1-1)
۳۸High prevalence of HTLV-I infection in Mashhad, Northeast Iran: A population-based seroepidemiology surveyRafatpanah, H., Hedayati-Moghaddam, M.R., Fathimoghadam, F., (...), Farid, R., Bazarbachi, A.Journal of Clinical Virology,(2011-11-1)
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