مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۴۱Expression profile of developmentally important genes in pre- and peri-implantation goat embryos produced In VitroHosseinNia, P., Hajian, M., Tahmoorespur, M., (...), Nasiri, M.R., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility2016
۴۲Targeting the transforming growth factor-beta signaling during pre-implantation development in embryos of cattle, sheep and goatsHajian, M., Hosseini, S.M., Ostadhosseini, S., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Growth Factors2016
۴۳Effects of cilostamide and/or forskolin on the meiotic resumption and development competence of growing ovine oocytes selected by brilliant cresyl blue stainingAzari-Dolatabad, N., Rahmani, H.R., Hajian, M., (...), Hosseini, S.M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Theriogenology2016
۴۴Epigenetic modification with trichostatin A does not correct specific errors of somatic cell nuclear transfer at the transcriptomic level; highlighting the non-random nature of oocyte-mediated reprogramming errorsHosseini, S.M., Dufort, I., Nieminen, J., (...), Nasr-Esfahani, M.H., Sirard, M.-A.BMC Genomics2016
۴۵Stage-specific profiling of transforming growth factor-beta, fibroblast growth factor and wingless-int signaling pathways during early embryo development in the goatNia, P.H., Tahmoorespur, M., Hosseini, S.M., (...), Nasiri, M.R., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Cell Journal2016
۴۶Developmental competence of ovine oocytes after vitrification: Differential effects of vitrification steps, embryo production methods, and parental origin of pronucleiHosseini, S.M., Asgari, V., Ostadhosseini, S., (...), Ghanaei, H.R., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Theriogenology2015
۴۷A physiological, rather than a superovulated, post-implantation environment can attenuate the compromising effect of assisted reproductive techniques on gene expression in developing mice embryosBonakdar, E., Edriss, M.A., Bakhtari, A., (...), Rahmani, H.R., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Molecular Reproduction and Development2015
۴۸Cytoplasmic, rather than nuclear-DNA, insufficiencies as the major cause of poor competence of vitrified oocytesHosseini, S.M., Asgari, V., Hajian, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Reproductive BioMedicine Online2015
۴۹Chemically assisted somatic cell nuclear transfer without micromanipulator in the goat: Effects of demecolcine, cytochalasin-B, and MG-132 on the efficiency of a manual method of oocyte enucleation using a pulled Pasteur pipetteHosseini, S.M., Hajian, M., Forouzanfar, M., (...), Vosough, A.D., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Animal Reproduction Science2015
۵۰Expression profile of FGF receptors in preimplantation ovine embryos and the effect of FGF2 and PD173074Moradi, M., Riasi, A., Ostadhosseini, S., (...), Hosseinnia, P., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Growth Factors2015
۵۱Effect of epigenetic modification with trichostatin A and S-adenosylhomocysteine on developmental competence and POU5F1-EGFP expression of interspecies cloned embryos in dogMousai, M., Hosseini, S.M., Hajian, M., (...), Forouzanfar, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Zygote2015
۵۲Lentiviral vector-mediated transduction of goat undifferentiated spermatogoniaAbbasi, H., Hosseini, S.M., Hajian, M., (...), Nasiri, M.R., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Animal Reproduction Science2015
۵۳Contrasting effects of G1.2/G2.2 and SOF1/SOF2 embryo culture media on pre- and post-implantation development of non-transgenic and transgenic cloned goat embryosHosseini, S.M., Hajian, M., Ostadhosseini, S., (...), Ghanaie, H.R., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Reproductive BioMedicine Online2015
۵۴In vitro development of ovine oocytes cultured in the presence of GDF9 at chemically defined or undefined maturation mediumRouhollahi Varnosfaderani, S., Ostadhosseini, S., Hosseini, S.M., Hajian, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Small Ruminant Research2014
۵۵Effects of heat shock during the early stage of oocyte maturation on the meiotic progression, subsequent embryonic development and gene expression in ovineGharibzadeh, Z., Riasi, A., Ostadhosseini, S., (...), Hajian, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Zygote2014
۵۶The interfering effects of superovulation and vitrification upon some important epigenetic biomarkers in mouse blastocystBakhtari, A., Rahmani, H.-R., Bonakdar, E., (...), Edriss, M.-A., Nasr-Esfahani, M.-H.Cryobiology2014
۵۷Cloned sheep blastocysts derived from oocytes enucleated manually using a pulled pasteur pipetteHosseini, S.M., Hajian, M., Moulavi, F., (...), Forouzanfar, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Cellular Reprogramming2013
۵۸Kit ligand and glial-derived neurotrophic factor as alternative supplements for activation and development of ovine preantral follicles in vitroEsmaielzadeh, F., Hosseini, S.M., Nasiri, Z., (...), Vosough, A.D., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Molecular Reproduction and Development2013
۵۹Exposure to DNA is insufficient for in vitro transgenesis of live bovine sperm and embryosEghbalsaied, S., Ghaedi, K., Laible, G., (...), Nasr-Esfahani, M.H., Oback, B.Reproduction2013
۶۰Nuclear transfer technique affects mRNA abundance, developmental competence and cell fate of the reconstituted sheep oocytesMoulavi, F., Hosseini, S.M., Hajian, M., (...), Asgari, V., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Reproduction2013
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