مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱Nanobody-enhanced split-luciferase technology for innovative detection of the liver cancer biomarker alpha-fetoproteinOliayi M., Emamzadeh R., Nazari M.Biochemical Engineering Journal2024-9-1
۲Nanobody-enhanced split-luciferase technology for innovative detection of the liver cancer biomarker alpha-fetoproteinOliayi M., Emamzadeh R., Nazari M.Biochemical Engineering Journal,2024-9-1
۳Uncovering the role of leucine 59 in Renilla luciferase stability and activity with error-prone PCR: Implications for protein engineeringFanaei-kahrani, Z., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M.Protein Expression and Purification2024-2-1
۴Enhancing protein delivery for tissue regeneration: Development of AGR2-loaded hydrogels with controlled release propertiesAkbari, A., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M., Brandstetter, T., Rühe, J.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2024-2-1
۵Optimization of a recombinant BlaR-CTD protein formulation using the response surface methodologyAbdolvahab, M.H., Safari, M., Hasannejad, F., (...), Salimi, A., Nazari, M.Journal of Biological Engineering2024-12-1
۶Development of a bioluminescent homogenous nanobody-based immunoassay for the detection of prostate-specific antigen (PSA)Baghdadi, M.E., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M., Michelini, E.Enzyme and Microbial Technology2024-10-1
۷Development of a bioluminescent homogenous nanobody-based immunoassay for the detection of prostate-specific antigen (PSA)ME Baghdadi, R Emamzadeh, M Nazari, E MicheliniEnzyme and Microbial Technology2024-0804
۸Exploring the Potential of Arginine to Increase Coelenterazine-Renilla Luciferase Affinity and Enzyme Stability: Kinetic and Molecular Dynamics StudiesSalehian, M., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M.Protein Journal,2024
۹Tri-part NanoLuc as a new split technology with potential applications in chemical biology: a mini-reviewOliayi, M., Emamzadeh, R., Rastegar, M., Nazari, M.Analytical Methods,2023-8-17
۱۰Structural studies and cell proliferation activity of human Follistatin-like 1 in reducing and non-reducing conditionsShahrbanoo Jafari, S., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M., Ganjalikhany, M.R.Process Biochemistry2023-7-1
۱۱Chitosan nanoparticle loaded by epidermal growth factor as a potential protein carrier for wound healing: In vitro and in vivo studiesMontazeri, S., Rastegari, A., Mohammadi, Z., (...), Najafzadeh, S., Aghsami, M.IET Nanobiotechnology2023-5-1
۱۲Rescuing fertility during COVID-19 infection: exploring potential pharmacological and natural therapeutic approaches for comorbidity, by focusing on NLRP3 inflammasome mechanismHosseini, E., Kohan-Ghadr, H.-R., Bazrafkan, M., (...), Esfandyari, S., Nazari, M.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics2023
۱۳Anti-tumor and anti-metastatic activity of the FGF2 118-126 fragment dependent on the loop structureAllahmoradi, H., Asghari, S.M., Ahmadi, A., Assareh, E., Nazari, M.Biochemical Journal2022-6-1
۱۴New Generation Vaccines for COVID-19 Based on Peptide, Viral Vector, Artificial Antigen Presenting Cell, DNA or mRNARezaei, M., Nazari, M.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2022-3-1
۱۵Optimization of Expression and Purification of Recombinant Mouse plac1Rahdan, S., Razavi, S.A., Nazari, M., (...), Ramezani, A., Zarnani, A.-H.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2022-3-1
۱۶A recombinant affitoxin derived from a HER3 affibody and diphteria-toxin has potent and selective antitumor activityNazari, M., Emamzadeh, R., Jahanpanah, M., Yazdani, E., Radmanesh, R.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2022-10-31
۱۷Recombinant CD137-Fc, its synthesis, and applications for improving the immune system functions, such as tumor immunotherapy and to reduce the inflammation due to the novel coronavirusAjami, M., Nazari, M., mahmoodzadeh, H., Moazzeni, S.M.Journal of Cellular Biochemistry2021-9-1
۱۸Zher2 affibody as a good candidate for detection of metastatic prostate cancerNazari, M., Radmanesh, RAvicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2021-9-1
۱۹NLRP3 inflammasome: A joint, potential therapeutic target in management of COVID-19 and fertility problemsBazrafkan, M., Hosseini, E., Nazari, M., Amorim, C.A., Sadeghi, M.R.Journal of Reproductive Immunology2021-11-1
۲۰Development of recombinant biomimetic nano-carrier for targeted gene transfer to HER3 positive breast cancerNazari, M., Minai-Tehrani, A., Mousavi, S., Zamani Koukhaloo, S., Emamzadeh, R.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2021-10-31
نمایش ۱ تا ۲۰ مورد از کل ۶۲ مورد.