مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۲۱Expression of human placenta-specific 1 (Plac1) in cho-k1 cellsMahmoudian, J., Nazari, M., Ghods, R., (...), Amiri, M.M., Zarnani, A.-H.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2020
۲۲Optimized protocol for soluble prokaryotic expression, purification and refolding of the human inhibin alpha subunit, a cysteine rich peptide chainKolivand, S., Nazari, M., Modarressi, M.H., (...), Ghafouri-Fard, S., Motevaseli, E.Human Antibodies2020
۲۳Stepwise development of biomimetic chimeric peptides for gene deliveryCheraghi, R., Nazari, M., Alipour, M., Hosseinkhani, SProtein and Peptide Letters2020
۲۴In vitro pre-validation of gene editing by CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoproteinMehravar, M., Shirazi, A., Mehrazar, M.M., Nazari, M.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2019-9-1
۲۵A luminescent biosensor for ex vivo detection of HER2-positive breast cancer based on a novel affiprobeNazari, M., Emamzadeh, R., Minai-Tehrani, A., Nasir Shirazi, M., Naimi, A.Analytical Methods2019-7-24
۲۶PLAC1: biology and potential application in cancer immunotherapyMahmoudian, J., Ghods, R., Nazari, M., (...), Ostad, S.N., Zarnani, A.-H.Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy2019-7-1
۲۷Novel chitosan based nanoparticles as gene delivery systems to cancerous and noncancerous cellsRahmani, S., Hakimi, S., Esmaeily, A., (...), Tehrani, N.R., Tehrani, M.R.International Journal of Pharmaceutics2019-4-5
۲۸Expression profiling of plac1 in murine cancer cell linesMahmoudian, J., Ghods, R., Nazari, M., (...), Ostad, S.N., Zarnani, A.H.Experimental Oncology2019-3-1
۲۹Development of a ZHER3-Affibody-Targeted Nano-Vector for Gene Delivery to HER3-Overexpressed Breast Cancer CellsNazari, M., Zamani Koukhaloo, S., Mousavi, S., (...), Emamzadeh, R., Cheraghi, RMacromolecular Bioscience,2019-11-1
۳۰Detection of a prostate cancer cell line using a bioluminescent affiprobe: An attempt to develop a new molecular probe for ex vivo studiesVarnosfaderani, Z.G., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M., Zarean, M.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2019-10-1
۳۱Mosaicism in CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editingMehravar, M., Shirazi, A., Nazari, M., Banan, M.Developmental Biology2019-1-15
۳۲Efficient production of biallelic RAG1 knockout mouse embryonic stem cell using CRISPR/CAS9Mehravar, M., Shirazi, A., Mehrazar, M.M., (...), Banan, M., Salimi, M.Iranian Journal of Biotechnology2019
۳۳CRISPR/Cas9 System for Efficient Genome Editing and Targeting in the Mouse NIH/3T3 CellsMehravar, M., Shirazi, A., Mehrazar, M.M., Nazari, M., Banan, M.Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology2019
۳۴Biodegradation of asphaltene and petroleum compounds by a highly potent Daedaleopsis spPourfakhraei, E., Badraghi, J., Mamashli, F., Nazari, M., Saboury, A.A.Journal of Basic Microbiology2018-7-1
۳۵Immobilization of laccase on epoxy-functionalized silica and its application in biodegradation of phenolic compoundsMohammadi, M., As'habi, M.A., Salehi, P., (...), Nazari, M., Brask, J.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2018-4-1
۳۶Kinetics, structure, and dynamics of Renilla luciferase solvated in binary mixtures of glycerol and water and the mechanism by which glycerol obstructs the enzyme emitter siteKhoshnevisan, G., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M., (...), Sariri, R., Hassani, L.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2018-10-1
۳۷Optimized protocol for soluble prokaryotic expression, purification and structural analysis of human placenta specific-1(PLAC1)Nazari, M., Zarnani, A.-H., Ghods, R., (...), Massahi, S., Nejadmoghaddam, M.-R.Protein Expression and Purification2017-5-1
۳۸Brucella melitensis VirB12 recombinant protein is a potential marker for serodiagnosis of human brucellosisMirkalantari, S., Zarnani, A.-H., Nazari, M., Irajian, G.R., Amirmozafari, N.Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials2017-3-3
۳۹Nickel-Salen supported paramagnetic nanoparticles for 6-His-target recombinant protein affinity purificationRashid, Z., Ghahremanzadeh, R., Nejadmoghaddam, M.-R., (...), Naeimi, H., Zarnani, A.-H.Journal of Chromatography A2017-3-24
۴۰Towards prostate cancer gene therapy: Development of a chlorotoxin-targeted nanovector for toxic (melittin) gene deliveryTarokh, Z., Naderi-Manesh, H., Nazari, MEuropean Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences2017-3-1
نمایش ۲۱ تا ۴۰ مورد از کل ۶۳ مورد.