مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۴۱Molecular basis of thermostability enhancement of Renilla luciferase at higher temperatures by insertion of a disulfide bridge into the structureFanaei Kahrani, Z., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M., Rasa, S.M.M.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics2017-2-1
۴۲Placenta-specific1 (PLAC1) is a potential target for antibody-drug conjugate-based prostate cancer immunotherapyNejadmoghaddam, M.-R., Zarnani, A.-H., Ghahremanzadeh, R., (...), Mahmoudi, M., Dinarvand, R.Scientific Reports2017-12-1
۴۳Trehalose radial networks protect Renilla luciferase helical layers against thermal inactivationLiyaghatdar, Z., Emamzadeh, R., Rasa, S.M.M., Nazari, M.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2017-12-1
۴۴Super RLuc8: A novel engineered Renilla luciferase with a red-shifted spectrum and stable light emissionRahnama, S., Saffar, B., Kahrani, Z.F., Nazari, M., Emamzadeh, R.Enzyme and Microbial Technology2017-1-1
۴۵Super RLuc8-sFv; a new luciferase-labeled probe for detection of human CD4+ cellsSafavi, A., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M., (...), Zarkesh-Esfahani, S.H., Rahgozar, S.Molecular BioSystems2017
۴۶Development of a Targeted anti-HER2 scFv Chimeric Peptide for Gene Delivery into HER2-Positive Breast Cancer CellsCheraghi, R., Nazari, M., Alipour, M., Majidi, A., Hosseinkhani, S.International Journal of Pharmaceutics2016-12-30
۴۷Probing the emitter site of Renilla luciferase using small organic molecules; an attempt to understand the molecular architecture of the emitter siteSalehi, F., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M., Rasa, S.M.M.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2016-12-1
۴۸Understanding the molecular behaviour of Renilla luciferase in imidazolium-based ionic liquids, a new model for the alpha/beta fold collapseGhaedizadeh, S., Emamzadeh, R., Nazari, M., (...), Zarkesh-Esfahani, S.H., Yousefi, MBiochemical Engineering Journal2016
۴۹Fast and highly efficient purification of 6×histidine-tagged recombinant proteins by Ni-decorated MnFe2O4@SiO2@NH2@2AB as novel and efficient affinity adsorbent magnetic nanoparticlesRashid, Z., Naeimi, H., Zarnani, A.-H., (...), Nejadmoghaddam, M.-R., Ghahremanzadeh, R.RSC Advances2016
۵۰FcUni-RLuc: An engineered Renilla luciferase with Fc binding ability and light emission activityFarzannia, A., Roghanian, R., Zarkesh-Esfahani, S.H., Nazari, M., Emamzadeh, R.Analyst2015-3-7
۵۱Conjugated linoleic acid production from various substrates by probiotic Lactobacillus plantarumHosseini, E.S., Kermanshahi, R.K., Hosseinkhani, S., Shojaosadati, S.A., Nazari, M.Annals of Microbiology2015-3-1
۵۲Evaluating the performance of genetic and particle swarm optimization algorithms to select an appropriate scenario for forecasting energy demand using economic indicators: residential and commercial sectors of IranNazari, H., Kazemi, A., Hashemi, M.-H., Sadat, M.M., Nazari, M.International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering2015-12-1
۵۳CD4 D3-binding probe: A novel fluorescence tool for detection and enumeration of CD4+ cellsEhsani, M., Emamzadeh, R., Zarkesh-Esfahani, S.H., Nazari, M.RSC Advances2015
۵۴Implication of disulfide bridge induced thermal reversibility, structural and functional stability for luciferaseNaderi, M., Moosavi-Movahedi, A.A., Hosseinkhani, S., (...), Hadi-Alijanvand, H., Sheibani, N.Protein and Peptide Letters2015
۵۵Adherent state apoptosis assay (ASA): A fast and reliable method to detect apoptosis in adherent cellsEmamzadeh, R., Nazari, M., Najafzadeh, S.Analytical Methods2014-6-21
۵۶Comparison of different probes based on labeled annexin v for detection of apoptosisNazari, M., Minai-Tehrani, A., Emamzadeh, R.RSC Advances2014
۵۷Structural and functional effects of circular permutation on firefly luciferase: In vitro assay of caspase 3/7Cheraghi, R., Hosseinkhani, S., Davoodi, J., (...), Shamseddin, M., Gheidari, F.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2013-7-1
۵۸Step-wise addition of disulfide bridge in firefly luciferase controls color shift through a flexible loop: A thermodynamic perspectiveNazari, M., Hosseinkhani, S., Hassani, L.Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences2013-2-1
۵۹Investigation in vitro expression of catsper sub fragment followed by production of polyclonal antibody: Potential candidate for the next generation of non hormonal contraceptiveNazari, M., Mirshahi, M., Mowla, S.-J., Bamdad, T., Sarikhani, S.Cell Journal2012-9-1
۶۰Renilla luciferase-labeled Annexin V: A new probe for detection of apoptotic cellsNazari, M., Emamzadeh, R., Hosseinkhani, S., (...), Michelini, E., Roda, A.Analyst2012-11-7
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