مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۳۲۱Seat-belt use among drivers and front passengers: An observational study from the islamic republic of IranSadeghnejad, F., Niknami, S., Hydarnia, A., Montazeri, A.Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal2014
۳۲۲'Red Ruby': An interactive web-based intervention for lifestyle modification on metabolic syndrome: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trialJahangiry, L., Shojaeizadeh, D., Najafi, M., (...), Abbasalizad Farhangi, M., Montazeri, A.BMC Public Health2014
۳۲۳Diagnostic values of different definitions of metabolic syndrome to detect poor health status in Iranian adults without diabetesAmiri, P., Deihim, T., Hosseinpanah, F., (...), Montazeri, A., Azizi, F.Diabetic Medicine2014
۳۲۴Development and psychometric evaluation of the Premarital Sexual Behavior Assessment Scale for Young Women (PSAS-YW): An exploratory mixed method studyRahmani, A., Merghati-Khoei, E., Moghadam-Banaem, L., (...), Hamdieh, M., Montazeri, A.Reproductive Health2014
۳۲۵Metabolic syndrome and health-related quality of life in reproductive age and post-menopausal women: Tehran lipid and glucose studyAmiri, P., Deihim, T., Nakhoda, K., (...), Montazeri, A., Azizi, F.Archives of Iranian Medicine2014
۳۲۶Assessment of periodontal knowledge following a mass media oral health promotion campaign: A population-based studyGholami, M., Pakdaman, A., Montazeri, A., Jafari, A., Virtanen, J.I.BMC Oral Health2014
۳۲۷Health-related quality of life in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): A model-based study of predictive factorsBazarganipour, F., Ziaei, S., Montazeri, A., (...), Kazemnejad, A., Faghihzadeh, S.Journal of Sexual Medicine2014
۳۲۸The experience of women affected by polycystic ovary syndrome: A qualitative study from IranAmiri, F.N., Tehrani, F.R., Simbar, M., Montazeri, A., Thamtan, R.A.M.International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism2014
۳۲۹Assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with psoriasis in comparison with normal subjects in Shiraz, IranFarahangiz, S., Hadi, N., Naseri, M., Agah, E., Montazeri, A.Shiraz E Medical Journal2014
۳۳۰Breast cancer-preventive behaviors: Exploring Iranian women's experiencesKhazaee-Pool, M., Montazeri, A., Majlessi, F., (...), Nedjat, S., Shojaeizadeh, D.BMC Women's Health2014
۳۳۱The Insomnia Severity Index: Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of a Persian versionSadeghniiat-Haghighi, K., Montazeri, A., Khajeh-Mehrizi, A., Nedjat, S., Aminian, O.Quality of Life Research2014
۳۳۲Development and validation of a health belief model based instrument for measuring factors influencing exercise behaviors to prevent osteoporosis in pre-menopausal women (HOPE)Soleymanian, A., Niknami, S., Hajizadeh, E., Shojaeizadeh, D., Montazeri, A.BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders2014
۳۳۳A validation study of the Iranian version of STarT Back Screening Tool (SBST) in lumbar central canal stenosis patientsAzimi, P., Shahzadi, S., Azhari, S., Montazeri, A.Journal of Orthopaedic Science2014
۳۳۴The Mother-Newborn Skin-to-Skin Contact Questionnaire (MSSCQ): Development and psychometric evaluation among Iranian midwivesNahidi, F., Tavafian, S.S., Heidarzadeh, M., Hajizadeh, E., Montazeri, A.BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth2014
۳۳۵Gender-based sexual roles: A mixed methods study in Iranian familiesEftekhar, H., Montazeri, A., Nasrabadi, A.N., (...), Karimi, Y., Homami, S.Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research2014
۳۳۶Brushing behavior among young adolescents: Does perceived severity matterKasmaei, P., Amin Shokravi, F., Hidarnia, A., (...), Karimzadeh Shirazi, K., Montazeri, A.BMC Public Health2014
۳۳۷Perception of breast cancer screening among Iranian women without experience of mammography: A qualitative studyKhazaee-pool, M., Majlessi, F., Foroushani, A.R., (...), Tol, A., Salimzadeh, H.Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention2014
۳۳۸Patients' and physicians' descriptions of occurrence and diagnosis of endometriosis: A qualitative study from IranRiazi, H., Tehranian, N., Ziaei, S., (...), Hajizadeh, E., Montazeri, A.BMC Women's Health2014
۳۳۹Modifiable lifestyle risk factors and metabolic syndrome: Opportunities for a web-based preventive programJahangiry, L., Shojaeizadeh, D., Montazeri, A., (...), Mohammad, K., Farhangi, M.A.Journal of Research in Health Sciences2014
۳۴۰Quality of life among nursing home residents compared with the elderly at homeHedayati, H.R., Hadi, N., Mostafavi, L., (...), Akbarzadeh, A., Montazeri, A.Shiraz E Medical Journal2014
نمایش ۳۲۱ تا ۳۴۰ مورد از کل ۵۴۳ مورد.