مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۶۱Sexuality and psychological well-being in different polycystic ovary syndrome phenotypes compared with healthy controls: a cross-sectional studyBahadori, F., Jahanian Sadatmahalleh, S., Montazeri, A., Nasiri, M.BMC Women's Health2022
۶۲Placental cord drainage and its outcomes at third stage of labor: a randomized controlled trialKarimi, N., Molaee, G., Tarkesh Esfahani, N., Montazeri, ABMC Pregnancy and Childbirth2022
۶۳The effect of mobile health educational intervention on body image and fatigue in breast cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trialBandani-Susan, B., Montazeri, A., Haghighizadeh, M.H., Araban, M.Irish Journal of Medical Science2022
۶۴Health care providers' responses to sexually abused children and adolescents: a systematic reviewRahnavardi, M., Shahali, S., Montazeri, A., Ahmadi, F.BMC Health Services Research2022
۶۵Promoting behavior-related low back health in nurses by in-person and social media interventions in the workplaceKazemi, S.-S., Tavafian, S.-S., Hiller, C.E., Hidarnia, A., Montazeri, A.BMC Nursing2022
۶۶Relationship between information sources, and resilience, with anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: an online investigationMontazeri, A., Tavoli, A., Maftoon, F., (...), Tashakkori, N., Hassanpour, H.Payesh2022
۶۷The effect of the EX-PLISSIT model-based psychosexual counseling on improving sexual function and sexual quality of life in gynecologic cancer survivors: a randomized controlled clinical trialMohammadi, Z., Maasoumi, R., Vosoughi, N., (...), Soleimani, M., Montazeri, A.Supportive Care in Cancer2022
۶۸Translation and psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life (IR-ADDQoL)Ghazanfari, Z., Naghizadeh, M.M., Hadavi, M., Naghizadeh Moghari, F., Montazeri, AHealth and Quality of Life Outcomes2022
۶۹Development and psychometric properties of Female Infertility Stigma Instrument (ISI-F): A sequential mixed method studyTaebi, M., Kariman, N., Montazeri, A., Alavi Majd, H., jahangirifar, M.BMC Women's Health2022
۷۰Validity and reliability of the Persian version of illness invalidation inventory (3*I) among patients with non-inflammatory rheumatic painful disordersGhavidel-Parsa, B., Khosousi, M.-J., Tohidi, S., (...), Zayeni, H., Montazeri, A.BMC Rheumatology2022
۷۱Association of health literacy and nutritional literacy with sun exposure in adults using structural equation modellingSaeidiFard, N., Haeri-Mehrizi, A.A., Akbarzadeh, Z., (...), Yaseri, M., Shab-Bidar, S.BMC Public Health2022
۷۲Exploring nurses' experiences of social media and in-person educational interventions for professional development: a qualitative studyKazemi, S.-S., Tavafian, S.-S., Hidarnia, A., Montazeri, A.BMC Nursing2022
۷۳Infertility stigma: A qualitative study on feelings and experiences of infertile womenTaebi, M., Kariman, N., Montazeri, A., Majd, H.A.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility2021
۷۴Psychometric properties of the Persian version of Instrument of Professional Attitude for Student Nurses (IPASN)Eghbali, M., Bandari, R., Heravi-Karimooi, M., Ghaesemzadeh, F., Montazeri, ANursing Open2021
۷۵The impact of higgs radiofrequency on pelvic organ prolapse and sexual function among women suffering from vaginal laxityEftekhar, T., Hajibabaei, M., Pourali, L., Vizheh, M., Montazeri, A.Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Cancer Research2021
۷۶Sexual self-concept in fertile and infertile women: A comparative studyLotfollahi, H., Riazi, H., Omani-Samani, R., Maroufizadeh, S., Montazeri, A.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility2021
۷۷Why medical journalism wins public health journalism: systems thinking recommendations for health-promoting mediaMohammadi, S., Ramezankhani, A., Montazeri, A., Nasrollahi, A., Keshavarz Mohammadi, N.Health Education2021
۷۸3D-printed navigation template in cervical spine fusion: a systematic review and meta-analysisAzimi, P., Yazdanian, T., Benzel, E.C., Azimi, A., Montazeri, A.European Spine Journal,2021
۷۹Interdisciplinary Approaches to COVID-19Moradian, N., Moallemian, M., Delavari, F., (...), Mobasher, B., Rezaei, N.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology2021
۸۰Reply to 'Methodological notes, should be considered in research on Mizaj'Aghanouri, Z., Mojahedi, M., Montazeri, A., Siavash, M.Journal of Research in Medical Sciences2021
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