مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۲۱A review on Ruta graveolens L.; its usage in traditional medicine and modern research dataNaghibi Harat, Z., Kamalinejad, M., Sadeghi, M.R., Sadeghipour, H.R., Eshraghian, M.R.Journal of Medicinal Plants2009
۱۲۲GSTM1 and GSTP1 polymorphisms and glutathione s-transferase activity: Iranian infertile menMirfeizollahi, A., Farivar, S., Akhondi, M.M., (...), Hodjat, M., Sadeghi, M.R.Tehran University Medical Journal2009
۱۲۳Increased sperm ubiquitination correlates with abnormal chromatin integrityHodjat, M., Akhondi, M.A., Al-Hasani, S., Mobaraki, M., Sadeghi, M.R.Reproductive BioMedicine2008-9-1
۱۲۴Application of genomic and proteomic technologies to early detection of cancerArdekani, A.M., Akhondi, M.M., Sadeghi, M.-R.Archives of Iranian Medicine2008-7-1
۱۲۵Immobilization effect of Ruta graveolens L. on human sperm: A new hope for male contraceptionHarat, Z.N., Sadeghi, M.R., Sadeghipour, H.R., Kamalinejad, M., Eshraghian, M.R.Journal of Ethnopharmacology2008-1-4
۱۲۶Findings on hysteroscopy in patients with in vitro fertilization by intracytoplasmic single sperm injection and embryo transfer failuresArefi, S., Soltanghoraei, H., Sadeghi, M.R., (...), Zeraati, H., Zarnani, H.Saudi Medical Journal2008
۱۲۷Sperm ubiquitination correlation with human semen qualityHodjat, M., Talebian, A., Akhondi, M.A., (...), Shabani, A., Sadeghi, M.R.Hodjat, M., Talebian, A., Akhondi, M.A., (...), Shabani, A., Sadeghi, M.R.2008
۱۲۸Effect of vitamins A, E, C and omega-3 fatty acids on lipid peroxidation in streptozotocin induced diabetic ratsFakher, S.H., Djalali, M., Tabei, S.M.B., (...), Mostafavi, E., Fatehi, F.Iranian Journal of Public Health2007
۱۲۹Th1 and Th2 cytokine gene polymorphisms in two indigenous ethnic groups in IranAmirzargar, A., Sadeghi, M., Khosravi, F., (...), Moradi, B., Nikbin, B.International Journal of Immunogenetics2006-12-1
۱۳۰Plasma level of antioxidant vitamins and lipid peroxidation in breast cancer patientsAghvami, T., Djalali, M., Keshavarz, A., (...), Sadrzadeh Yeganeh, H., Negahdar, M.Iranian Journal of Public Health2006
۱۳۱Blood superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in women affected with breast cancerNegahdar, M., Djalali, M., Abtahi, H., (...), Javadi, E., Layegh, H.Iranian Journal of Public Health2005
۱۳۲Blood superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in women affected with breast cancerNegahdar, M., Djalali, M., Abtahi, H., (...), Javadi, E., Layegh, H.Iranian Journal of Public Health2005
۱۳۳A new method for the purification of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase from human erythrocytesDjalali, M., Abtahi, H., Sadeghi, M.R., (...), Farzamie, B., Fatehi, F.Iranian Journal of Public Health2005
نمایش ۱۲۱ تا ۱۳۳ مورد از کل ۱۳۳ مورد.