مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۸۱Molecular analysis of the heavy chain variable region genes of human hybridoma clones specific for coagulation factor VIIIGharagozlou, S., Kardar, G.A., Rabbani, H., Shokri, F.Thrombosis and Haemostasis,2005-12-1
۸۲Signalling molecules and cytokine production in T cells of multiple myeloma-increased abnormalities with advancing stageMozaffari, F., Hansson, L., Kiaii, S., (...), Mellstedt, H., Osterborg, A.British Journal of Haematology2004-2-1
۸۳Physical mapping of the bovine immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region gene locusZhao, Y., Kacskovics, I., Rabbani, H., Hammarstrom, L.Journal of Biological Chemistry2003-9-12
۸۴Immunization of colorectal carcinoma patients with a recombinant canarypox virus expressing the tumor antigen Ep-CAM/KSA (ALVAC-KSA) and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor induced a tumor-specific cellular immune responseUllenhag, G.J., Frodin, J.-E., Mosolits, S., (...), Mellstedt, H., Rabbani, H.Clinical Cancer Research2003-7-1
۸۵T-cell epitopes within the complementarity-determining and framework regions of the tumor-derived immunoglobulin heavy chain in multiple myelomaHansson, L., Rabbani, H., Fagerberg, J., Osterborg, A., Mellstedt, H.Blood,2003-6-15
۸۶Dendritic cells loaded with apoptotic tumour cells induce a stronger T-cell response than dendritic cell-tumour hybrids in B-CLLKokhaei, P., Rezvany, M.R., Virving, L., (...), Osterborg, A., Mellstedt, H.Leukemia2003-5-1
۸۷Kinetics of Cytokine Gene Expression in Human CD4 + and CD8 + T-Lymphocyte Subsets Using Quantitative Real-Time PCRAbdalla, A.O., Kiaii, S., Hansson, L., (...), Mellstedt, H., Rabbani, H.Scandinavian Journal of Immunology2003-12-1
۸۸Characterization of human hybridoma clones isolated from hemophilia patients with specificity for different domains of coagulating factor VIIIGharagozlou, S., Ghods, R., Samadi Bahrami, Z., (...), Rabbani, H., Shokri, F.Human Antibodies2003
۸۹Human papillomavirus type 16 is episomal and a high viral load may be correlated to better prognosis in tonsillar cancerMellin, H., Dahlgren, L., Munck-Wikland, E., (...), Kalantari, M., Dalianis, T.International Journal of Cancer2002-11-10
۹۰IFN-gamma protects short-term ovarian carcinoma cell lines from CTL lysis via a CD94/NKG2A-dependent mechanismMalmberg, K.-J., Levitsky, V., Norell, H., (...), Levitskaya, J., Kiessling, R.Journal of Clinical Investigation,2002-11-1
۹۱Artiodactyl IgD: The missing linkZhao, Y., Kacskovics, I., Pan, Q., (...), Rabbani, H., Hammarstrom, L.Journal of Immunology2002-10-15
۹۲Expression profiling in transformed human B cells: Influence of Btk mutations and comparison to B cell lymphomas using filter and oligonucleotide arraysIslam, T.C., Lindvall, J., Wennborg, A., (...), Rabbani, H., Smith, C.I.E.European Journal of Immunology2002
۹۳Spontaneous downregulation of antibody/autoantibody synthesis in susceptible mice upon chronic exposure to mercuric chloride is not owing to a general immunosuppressionRoether, S., Rabbani, H., Mellstedt, H., Abedi-Valugerdi, MScandinavian Journal of Immunology,2002
۹۴Dendritic cells in patients with non-progressive B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemia have a normal functional capability but abnormal cytokine patternReza Rezvany, M., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Biberfeld, P., (...), Osterborg, A., Rabbani, H.British Journal of Haematology2001
۹۵Analysis of mercury-induced immune activation in nonobese diabetic (NOD) miceBrenden, N., Rabbani, H., Abedi-Valugerdi, M.Clinical and Experimental Immunology2001
۹۶Mapping of the chicken immunoglobulin heavy-chain constant region gene locus reveals an inverted alpha gene upstream of a condensed υ geneZhao, Y., Rabbani, H., Shimizu, A., Hammarstrom, L.Immunology2000
۹۷Autologous T lymphocytes recognize the tumour-derived immunoglobulin VH-CDR3 region in patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemiaRezvany, M.R., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Rabbani, H., (...), Wigzell, H., Mellstedt, H.British Journal of Haematology2000
۹۸Spontaneous regression of congenital leukaemia with an 8;16 translocationRezvany, M.R., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Rabbani, H., (...), Wigzell, H., Mellstedt, H.British Journal of Haematology,2000
۹۹Erratum: (Cancer Research (June 1, 1998) (2293-2297))Yuille, M.R., Catovsky, D., Luo, L., (...), Webster, A.D.B., Vorechovsky, I.1998-8-11998-8-1
۱۰۰Ataxia-telangiectasia and T-cell leukemias: No evidence for somatic ATM mutation in sporadic T-ALL or for hypermethylation of the ATM-NPAT/E14 bidirectional promoter in T-PLLLuo, L., Lu, F.-M., Hart, S., (...), Webster, A.D.B., Vořechovsky, I.Cancer Research1998-6-1
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