مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۲۱Effect of perceived barriers and self-efficacy on daily exercise among employees using HBMJorvand, R., Haeri-Mehrizi, A.A., Tavousi, M.Health Education and Health Promotion2021
۲۲Effect of spiritual-based educational intervention on the mental health of student health ambassadorsSharifi Aref, A., Tavousi, M., Amin Shokravi, F.Journal of Education and Community Health,2020-9-1
۲۳Development and psychometric properties of maternal health literacy inventory in pregnancyTaheri, S., Tavousi, M., Momenimovahed, Z., (...), Suhrabi, Z., Taghizadeh, Z.PLoS ONE2020-6-1
۲۴Development and validation of a short and easy-to-use instrument for measuring health literacy: The Health Literacy Instrument for Adults (HELIA)Tavousi, M., Haeri-Mehrizi, A., Rakhshani, F., (...), Ghanbari, S., Montazeri, A.BMC Public Health2020-5-12
۲۵Evaluating the impact of HBM-based education on exercise among health care workers: The usage of mobile applications in IranJorvand, R., Ghofranipour, F., Haerimehrizi, A., Tavousi, M.BMC Public Health,2020-4-22
۲۶The Psychometric Properties of Health Literacy for Iranian Adults (HELIA) in Medical Sciences StudentsPanahi, R., Ramezankhani, A., Tavousi, M., Mehrizi, A.H., Niknami, S.Journal of Research and Health2020-2-1
۲۷Fertility indicators and its correlates among women in IranSadighi, J., Tavousi, M., Montazeri, A., (...), Rostami, R., Rostami, T.Payesh,2020-12-1
۲۸A mobile-based educational intervention on sexo-marital life in Iranian men with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled trialZarei, F., Rashedi, S., Tavousi, M., Haeri-Mehrizi, A.A., Maasoumi, R.Spinal Cord2020-11-1
۲۹National health information systems in IranFaranak, F., Aeenparast, A., Tavousi, M., (...), Asadollah-Khan-Vali, H., Haeri-Mehrizi, A.S.Payesh2020-10-1
۳۰Women's Sexual Health Literacy and Related Factors: A Population-Based Study from IranJamali, B., Maasoumi, R., Tavousi, M., Haeri Mehrizi, A.A.International Journal of Sexual Health,2020
۳۱Risk factors associated with self-medication among women in IranKarimy, M., Rezaee-Momtaz, M., Tavousi, M., Montazeri, A., Araban, M.BMC Public Health,2019-8-1
۳۲Evaluation of effectiveness of puzzle game on oral health related knowledge and behaviors among childrenNameni, M., Tavousi, M., Sistani, M.M.N., Gholinia, H.Payesh2019-6-1
۳۳Trust in Mass Media and Virtual Social Networks health information: A population studyTavousi, M., Mohammadi, S., Sadighi, J., Rostami, R., Mehrizi, A.A.H.Payesh,2019-6-1
۳۴Translation and psychometric properties of the sexually transmitted infection prevention scales in femalesKazemi, S., Tavousi, M., Zarei, F.Payesh2019-4-1
۳۵Relationship between job satisfaction and mental health with self-efficacySadeghi, A., Maftoon, F., Mehrizi, A.H., Tavousi, M.Payesh,2019-2-1
۳۶Determinants of daily exercises among employees with overweight or obesity: the application of health belief modelJorvand, R., Sadeghirad, K., Haeri Mehrizi, A.A., Ghofranipour, F., Tavousi, M.Journal of Research and Health2019-10-1
۳۷Development and psychometric properties of sexual health literacy for adults (SHELA) questionnaireMaasoumi, R., Tavousi, M., Zarei, FHAYAT2019
۳۸Education Based on Theory of Planned Behavior over Sexual Function of Women with Breast Cancer in IranJalambadani, Z., Garmaroudi, G., Tavousi, M.Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing2018-6-1
۳۹Adding health literacy to the health belief model: Effectiveness of an educational intervention on smoking preventive behaviors among university studentsPanahi, R., Ramezankhani, A., Tavousi, M., Niknami, S.Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal,2018-2-1
۴۰Impact of sport on the cardiovascular diseases scale based on health belief model: Questionnaire psychometric propertiesJorvand, R., Tavousi, M., Ghofranipour, F.Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal2018-12-1
نمایش ۲۱ تا ۴۰ مورد از کل ۵۴ مورد.