مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۲۱Stem Cell NanoengineeringBaharvand, H., Aghdami, N.Stem Cell Nanoengineering2015
۱۲۲PrefaceBaharvand, H., Aghdami, N.Stem Cell Nanoengineering2015
۱۲۳Facile Fabrication of Egg White Macroporous Sponges for Tissue RegenerationJalili-Firoozinezhad, S., Rajabi-Zeleti, S., Mohammadi, P., (...), Baharvand, H., Martin, I.Advanced Healthcare Materials2015
۱۲۴Intrathecal injection of CD133-positive enriched bone marrow progenitor cells in children with cerebral palsy: Feasibility and safetyZali, A., Arab, L., Ashrafi, F., (...), Baharvand, H., Aghdami, N.Cytotherapy2015
۱۲۵Cell-loaded gelatin/chitosan scaffolds fabricated by salt-leaching/lyophilization for skin tissue engineering: In vitro and in vivo studyPezeshki-Modaress, M., Rajabi-Zeleti, S., Zandi, M., (...), Nekookar, A., Aghdami, N.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A2014
۱۲۶Intra-renal arterial injection of autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells ameliorates cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury in a rhesus Macaque mulatta monkey modelMoghadasali, R., Azarnia, M., Hajinasrollah, M., (...), Baharvand, H., Aghdami, N.Cytotherapy2014
۱۲۷Stauprimide priming of human embryonic stem cells toward definitive endodermTahamtani, Y., Azarnia, M., Farrokhi, A., (...), Aghdami, N., Baharvand, H.Cell Journal2014
۱۲۸Generation of functional hepatocyte-like cells from human pluripotent stem cells in a scalable suspension cultureVosough, M., Omidinia, E., Kadivar, M., (...), Aghdami, N., Baharvand, H.Stem Cells and Development2013
۱۲۹Mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium accelerates regeneration of human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells after gentamicin toxicityMoghadasali, R., Mutsaers, H.A.M., Azarnia, M., (...), Wilmer, M.J.G., Masereeuw, R.Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology2013
۱۳۰Disease-corrected hepatocyte-like cells from familial hypercholesterolemia- induced pluripotent stem cellsFattahi, F., Asgari, S., Pournasr, B., (...), Salekdeh, G.H., Baharvand, H.Molecular Biotechnology2013
۱۳۱Reconstruction of human mandibular continuity defects with allogenic scaffold and autologous marrow mesenchymal stem cellsZamiri, B., Shahidi, S., Eslaminejad, M.B., (...), Mardpour, S., Aghdami, N.Journal of Craniofacial Surgery2013
۱۳۲Treatment of human embryonic stem cells with different combinations of priming and inducing factors toward definitive endodermTahamtani, Y., Azarnia, M., Farrokhi, A., (...), Aghdami, N., Baharvand, H.Stem Cells and Development2013
۱۳۳Therapeutic potential of human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells in a bleomycin-induced scleroderma mouse modelAzhdari, M., Baghaban-Eslaminejad, M., Baharvand, H., Aghdami, N.Stem Cell Research2013
۱۳۴Therapeutic potential of human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells in a bleomycin-induced scleroderma mouse modelAzhdari, M., Baghaban-Eslaminejad, M., Baharvand, H., Aghdami, NStem Cell Research2013
۱۳۵Repeated versus single transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in miceMiryounesi, M., Piryaei, A., Pournasr, B., Aghdami, N., Baharvand, H.Cell Biology International2013
۱۳۶ISL1 Protein Transduction Promotes Cardiomyocyte Differentiation from Human Embryonic Stem CellsFonoudi, H., Yeganeh, M., Fattahi, F., (...), Salekdeh, G.H., Aghdami, N.PLoS ONE2013
۱۳۷Stem cell research and therapy in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Pioneering in the Islamic worldMiremadi, T., Salekdeh, G.H., Aghdami, N., (...), Kouhkan, A., Baharvand, H.Stem Cells and Development2013
۱۳۸PrefaceBaharvand, H., Aghdami, NRegenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy2013
۱۳۹Regenerative medicine and cell therapyBaharvand, H., Aghdami, N.Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy2013
۱۴۰A new efficient protocol for directed differentiation of retinal pigmented epithelial cells from normal and retinal disease induced pluripotent stem cellsZahabi, A., Shahbazi, E., Ahmadieh, H., (...), Salekdeh, G.H., Baharvand, H.Stem Cells and Development2012
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