مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۶۱Feeder- and serum-free establishment and expansion of human induced pluripotent stem cellsTotonchi, M., Taei, A., Seifinejad, A., (...), Hosseini-Salekdeh, G., Baharvand, H.International Journal of Developmental Biology2010
۱۶۲Enhanced Functions of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Hepatocyte-like Cells on Three-dimensional Nanofibrillar SurfacesFarzaneh, Z., Pournasr, B., Ebrahimi, M., Aghdami, N., Baharvand, H.Stem Cell Reviews and Reports2010
۱۶۳Human-induced pluripotent stem cells: derivation, propagation, and freezing in serum- and feeder layer-free culture conditionBaharvand, H., Totonchi, M., Taei, A., (...), Aghdami, N., Salekdeh, G.H.Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)2010
۱۶۴Cell therapy in burn repairKhodadadi, L., Shafieyan, S., Aghdami, N., Baharvand, H.Yakhteh2008
۱۶۵GVHD after chemotherapy conditioning in allogeneic transplanted miceSadeghi, B., Aghdami, N., Hassan, Z., (...), Abedi-Valugerdi, M., Hassan, M.Bone Marrow Transplantation2008
۱۶۶Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced by antigen pulsed dendritic cells in the C57BL/6 mouse: Influence of injection routeAghdami, N., Gharibdoost, F., Moazzeni, S.-M.Experimental Animals2008
۱۶۷Comparison of different methods for dendritic cell generation from mouse bone marrowAghdami, N., Moazzeni, S.M., Gharibdoost, F., Mahdavi, M.Yakhteh2007
۱۶۸A new approach in treatment of insulin dependent autoimmune diabetes mellitus using IL-10 treated dendritic cellsAghdami, N., Moazzeni, S.M.Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Lipid Disorders2006
۱۶۹Treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia with arsenic trioxide without ATRA and/or chemotherapyGhavamzadeh, A., Alimoghaddam, K., Ghaffari, S.H., (...), Totonchi, M., Aghdami, N.Annals of Oncologyر2006
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