مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۲۰۱Effect of laser pulse width on bioactivity of titania nanofibrous structures deposited on glass substrate via high intensity laser induced reverse transfer method (Hilirt)Safaie, N., Beigi, M.-H., Nasr-Esfahani, M.-H., Kiani, A.Transactions of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials and the Annual International Biomaterials Symposium,2019
۲۰۲Integrative Analysis of lncRNAs in Th17 Cell Lineage to Discover New Potential Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets in Autoimmune DiseasesTeimuri, S., Hosseini, A., Rezaenasab, A., (...), Nasr-Esfahani, M.H., Megraw, T.L.Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids2018-9-7
۲۰۳A ternary nanofibrous scaffold potential for central nerve system tissue engineeringA ternary nanofibrous scaffold potential for central nerve system tissue engineeringJournal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, 12018-9-1
۲۰۴One-carbon cycle support rescues sperm damage in experimentally induced varicocoele in ratsMohammadi, P., Hassani-Bafrani, H., Tavalaee, M., Dattilo, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.BJU International,2018-9-1
۲۰۵Chondrogenic response in presence of cartilage extracellular matrix nanoparticlesZahiri, S., Masaeli, E., Poorazizi, E., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A,2018-9-1
۲۰۶Molecular evidence of chlamydia trachomatis infection and its relation to miscarriageBagheri, S., Roghanian, R., Golbang, N., Golbang, P., Nasr Esfahani, M.H.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility,2018-9-1
۲۰۷Risk factor effect of rs1044165 and rs3745453 as neighboring variants of miR-223, miR-24, miR-23a and miR-27a on the onset of MS disease in Isfahan/IranTeimuri, S., Hosseini, A., Ghaedi, K., (...), Etemadifar, M., Nasr Esfahani, M.H.Gene Reports,2018-9-1
۲۰۸PPARgamma/Pgc-1alpha-Fndc5 pathway up-regulation in gastrocnemius and heart muscle of exercised, branched chain amino acid diet fed micePPARgamma/Pgc-1alpha-Fndc5 pathway up-regulation in gastrocnemius and heart muscle of exercised, branched chain amino acid diet fed miceNutrition and Metabolism2018-8-29
۲۰۹Effect of DNA and histone methyl transferase inhibitors on outcomes of buffalo-bovine interspecies somatic cell nuclear transferAlsalim, H., Jafarpour, F., Tanhaei Vash, N., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H., Niasari-Naslaji, A.Cellular Reprogramming2018-8-1
۲۱۰Multi-effects of Resveratrol on stem cell characteristics: Effective dose, time, cell culture conditions and cell type-specific responses of stem cells to ResveratrolSafaeinejad, Z., Kazeminasab, F., Kiani-Esfahani, A., Ghaedi, K., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry2018-7-15
۲۱۱Pregnancy, child bearing and prevention of giving birth to the affected children in patients with primary immunodeficiency disease; A case-seriesSheikhbahaei, S., Sherkat, R., Camacho-Ordonez, N., (...), Nasr-esfahani, M.H., Klein, C.BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth,2018-7-11
۲۱۲Downregulation of miR-130a, antagonized doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity via increasing the PPARgamma expression in mESCs-derived cardiac cells articlePakravan, G., Foroughmand, A.M., Peymani, M., (...), Hajjari, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Cell Death and Disease2018-7-1
۲۱۳Dynamics of the expression of pluripotency and lineage specific genes in the pre and peri-implantation goat embryoHosseinNia, P., Hajian, M., Jafarpour, F., (...), Tahmoorespur, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Cell Journal,2018-7-1
۲۱۴Analysis of the expression of mir-34a, mir-199a, mir-30c and mir-19a in peripheral blood CD4+T lymphocytes of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patientsGhadiri, N., Emamnia, N., Ganjalikhani-Hakemi, M., (...), Shirzad, H., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Gene,2018-6-15
۲۱۵Activated platelet-rich plasma improves cartilage regeneration using adipose stem cells encapsulated in a 3D alginate scaffoldBeigi, M.-H., Atefi, A., Ghanaei, H.-R., (...), Ejeian, F., Nasr-Esfahani, M.-H.Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine,2018-6-1
۲۱۶Fndc5 knockdown induced suppression of mitochondrial integrity and significantly decreased cardiac differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cellsFndc5 knockdown induced suppression of mitochondrial integrity and significantly decreased cardiac differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cellsJournal of Cellular Biochemistry2018-6-1
۲۱۷Urea changes oocyte competence and gene expression in resultant bovine embryo in vitroKowsar, R., Izadi, F., Sadeghi, N., (...), Farrokhpour, H., Miyamoto, AZygote,2018-6-1
۲۱۸Assessment of PGC1alpha-FNDC5 axis in granulosa cells of PCOS mouse modelBakhshalizadeh, S., Rabiee, F., Shirazi, R., (...), Amidi, F., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Journal of Reproduction and Infertility,2018-6-1
۲۱۹The influence of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) ligands on cancer cell tumorigenicityYousefnia, S., Momenzadeh, S., Seyed Forootan, F., Ghaedi, K., Nasr Esfahani, M.H.Gene2018-4-5)
۲۲۰Nanosized aptameric cavities imprinted on the surface of magnetic nanoparticles for high-throughput protein recognitionShoghi, E., Mirahmadi-Zare, S.Z., Ghasemi, R., (...), Poorebrahim, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.-H.Microchimica Acta2018-4-1
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