مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۲۲۱RNA/Protein Discordant Expression of Fndc5 in Central Nervous System is Likely to Be Mediated Through microRNAsTanhaei, S., Nikpour, P., Ghaedi, K., (...), Homayouni Moghadam, F., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.DNA and Cell Biology,2018-4-1
۲۲۲Expression of ZMYND15 in Testes of Azoospermic Men and Association With Sperm RetrievalHashemi, M.-S., Mozdarani, H., Ghaedi, K., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Urology,2018-4-1
۲۲۳Immunomodulatory effects of a rationally designed peptide mimetic of human IFNbeta in EAE model of multiple sclerosisPoorebrahim, M., Asghari, M., Abazari, M.F., (...), Mehranfar, M., Sanadgol, N.Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry2018-3-2
۲۲۴Expression of sperm PLCζ and clinical outcomes of ICSI-AOA in men affected by globozoospermia due to DPY19L2 deletionTavalaee, M., Nomikos, M., Lai, F.A., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Reproductive BioMedicine Online,2018-3-1
۲۲۵MiR-9-5p and miR-106a-5p dysregulated in CD4+ T-cells of multiple sclerosis patients and targeted essential factors of T helper17/regulatory T-cells differentiationMajd, M., Hosseini, A., Ghaedi, K., (...), Mowla, S.J., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences2018-3-1
۲۲۶Association between total globozoospermia and sperm chromatin defectsEskandari, N., Tavalaee, M., Zohrabi, D., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Andrologia2018-3-1
۲۲۷N-acetylcysteine compared to metformin, improves the expression profile of growth differentiation factor-9 and receptor tyrosine kinase c-kit in the oocytes of patients with polycystic ovarian syndromeCheraghi, E., Soleimani Mehranjani, M., Shariatzadeh, S.M.A., Nasr Esfahani, M.H., Alani, B.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility,2018-3-1
۲۲۸Layer by layer coating of NH2-silicate/polycarboxylic acid polymer saturated by Ni2+ onto the super magnetic NiFe2O4 nanoparticles for sensitive and bio-valuable separation of His-tagged proteinsMirahmadi-Zare, S.Z., Aboutalebi, F., Allafchian, M., Pirjamali, L., Nasr-Esfahani, M.-HProtein Expression and Purification2018-3-1
۲۲۹Ameliorating the Effect of Pioglitazone on LPS-Induced Inflammation of Human Oligodendrocyte Progenitor CellsPeymani, M., Ghaedi, K., Hashemi, M.-S., (...), Nasr-Esfahani, M.H., Baharvand, H.Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology2018-3-1
۲۳۰A comparative study on the effects of acute and chronic downhill running vs uphill running exercise on the RNA levels of the skeletal muscles PGC1-alpha FNDC5 and the adipose UCP1 in BALB/c miceDehghani, M., Kargarfard, M., Rabiee, F., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H., Ghaedi, K.Gene2018-12-30
۲۳۱Ferulic Acid exerts concentration-dependent anti-apoptotic and neuronal differentiation-inducing effects in PC12 and mouse neural stem cellsMoghadam, F.H., Mesbah-Ardakani, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.HEuropean Journal of Pharmacology,2018-12-15
۲۳۲Switchable phase transition behavior of thermoresponsive substrates for cell sheet engineeringMokhtarinia, K., Nourbakhsh, M.S., Masaeli, E., (...), Karamali, F., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics2018-12-1
۲۳۳An efficient method for bacterial production and activity assessment of recombinant human insulin like growth factor 1Aboutalebi, F., Lachinani, L., Khazaei, Y., (...), Ghaedi, K., Dormiani, K.Molecular Biology Reports2018-12-1
۲۳۴ROCK Inhibitor During Hypothermic Storage Improves Re-Expansion Rate and Quality of Goat BlastocystsSaberi, P., Forouzanfar, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Biopreservation and Biobanking2018-12-1
۲۳۵Comparison of two different media for maturation rate of neural progenitor cells to neuronal and glial cells emphasizing on expression of neurotrophins and their respective receptorsEbadi, R., Kordi-Tamandani, D.M., Ghaedi, K., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Molecular Biology Reports,2018-12-1
۲۳۶Diverse roles of fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) in development and pathogenesis of cancersAmiri, M., Yousefnia, S., Seyed Forootan, F., (...), Ghaedi, K., Nasr Esfahani, M.H.Gene2018-11-15
۲۳۷Comparative studies on the effects of high-fat diet, endurance training and obesity on Ucp1 expression in male C57BL/6 miceShirkhani, S., Marandi, S.M., Kazeminasab, F., (...), Shiralian-Esfahani, H., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Gene2018-11-15
۲۳۸miR-34a/BCL-2 signaling axis contributes to apoptosis in MPP+-induced SH-SY5Y cellsShanesazzade, Z., Peymani, M., Ghaedi, K., Nasr Esfahani, M.HMolecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine,2018-11-1
۲۳۹Alpha-Lipoic Acid improves the testicular dysfunction in rats induced by varicoceleShaygannia, E., Tavalaee, M., Akhavanfarid, G.R., (...), Dattilo, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Andrologia2018-11-1
۲۴۰Effects of assisted oocyte activation with calcium-ionophore and strontium chloride on in vitro ICSI outcomesNorozi-Hafshejani, M., Tavalaee, M., Azadi, L., Bahadorani, M., Nasr-Esfahani, M.H.Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences,2018-11-1
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