مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱Self-fields in a planar wiggler and axial magnetic fieldMahdi Esmaeilzadeh, Vahid Ghafouri, Mehrdad Najafi, Amin Taghavi, Esmaeil NamvarPhysics of PlasmasOCTOBER 30 2007
۲The effect of annealing time and temperature on morphology and optical properties of ZnO nanostructures grown by a self-assembly methodVahid Ghafouri, Akbar Ebrahimzad, Mohsen ShariatiScientia IranicaJune 2013
۳Investigating the Electric Power Performance of the Shock Wave Device and Explosion of Aluminum Wire in a Water EnvironmentMohamad Saleh Ghoodarzi, Vahid Ghafouri, Farhad Asadian, Hamid Karimi, Mohamad Reza Rahimi, Nader MazinaniIranian Journal of Applied Physics21 June 2024
۴The effect of substrate distance to evaporation source on morphology of ZnO:In nanorods fabricated by means of a vapor transfer route and the study of their optical and electrical propertiesVahid Ghafouri, Mohsen Shariati, Akbar EbrahimzadJournal of Nanoparticle Research19 February 2014
۵The annealing investigation on morphology and photoluminescence properties of In2O3 1-D nanostructures in resistive evaporation mechanismMohsen Shariati, Vahid GhafouriThe European Physical Journal Applied Physics14 February 2014
۶A novel choline biosensor based on immobilization of enzyme choline oxidase on the b-Ga2O3 nanowires modified working electrodeVahid Ghafouri, Aghdas BanaeiAnalytical and Bioanalytical ElectrochemistryMay 2020
۷In2O3-ZnO heterostructure development in electrical and photoluminescence properties of In2O3 1-D nanostructuresMohsen Shariati Vahid GhafouriInternational Journal of Modern Physics BJune 2014
۸Photoluminescence investigation of crystalline undoped ZnO nanostructures constructed by RF sputteringV. Ghafouri , M. Shariati , A. EbrahimzadScientia IranicaJune 2012
۹Electrochemical Sensing of H2S Gas in Air by Carboxylated Multi-walled Carbon NanotubesNahid Parsafar Vahid Ghafouri Aghdas BanaeiIranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringDecember 2019
۱۰The green synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activities of silver nanoparticles synthesized from green alga Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulfen) J. AgardhMorteza Yousefzadi, Zohreh Rahimi, Vahid GhaforiMaterials LettersDecember 2014
۱۱Optical Properties of ZnO Nanowires and Nanorods Synthesized by Two Step Oxidation ProcessVahid Ghafouri, Mohsen Shariati, Akbar EbrahimzadJournal of Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured MaterialsDecember 2013
۱۲Electron trajectories and gain for an electromagnetic wiggler with ion-channel guidingMahdi Esmaeilzadeh, Vahid Ghafouri, Amin TaghaviPhysics of PlasmasApril 2006
۱۳Simulation and fabrication of an integrating well-aligned silicon nanowires substrate for trapping circulating tumor cells labeled with Fe3O4 nanoparticles in a microfluidic deviceVahid Ghafouri , Majid Badieirostami , Morteza FathipourBioImpacts2022 Apr 12
۱۴Enhancement of the rates of CTCs trapping by integrating nanowire substrate and EpCAM antibody conjugated with magnetite nanoparticles in a microfluidic deviceVahid Ghafouri & Majid BadieirostamiMicrofluidics and Nanofluidics19 November 2021
۱۵A novel choline biosensor based on immobilization of enzyme choline oxidase on the b-Ga2O3 nanowires modified working electrodeVahid Ghafouri Aghdas BanaeiAnalytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry17 May 2020
نمایش ۱ تا ۱۵ مورد از کل ۱۵ مورد.