مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۶۱The effect of exercise therapy on cognitive functions in multiple sclerosis patients: A pilot studySangelaji, B., Estebsari, F., Nabavi, S.M., (...), Morsali, D., Dastoorpoor, M.Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran2015
۶۲Can hand dexterity predict the disability status of patients with multiple sclerosis?Ghandi Dezfuli, M., Akbarfahimi, M., Nabavi, S.M., Hassani Mehraban, A., Jafarzadehpur, EMedical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran2015
۶۳Effect of combination exercise therapy on walking distance, postural balance, fatigue and quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients: A clinical trial studySangelaji, B., Nabavi, S.M., Estebsari, F., (...), Jamshidi, E., Dastoorpour, M.Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal2014
۶۴Validity and reliability of the Persian-version of fatigue impact scale in multiple sclerosis patients in IranHeidari, M., Akbarfahimi, M., Salehi, M., Nabavi, S.MKoomesh,2014
۶۵The effect of probiotic and conventional yogurt consumptions on anthropometric parameters in individuals with non alcoholic fatty liver diseaseRafraf, M., Nabavi, S., Somi, M.H., Homayouni-Rad, A., Asghari-Jafarabadi Rad, M.Journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences2014
۶۶The effects of 8 weeks of rebound therapy and Pilates practices on static and dynamic balances in males with multiple sclerosisHosseini Sisi, S.Z., Sadeghi, H., Massood Nabavi, S.Advances in Environmental Biology,2014
۶۷Effect and sustainability of 8-weeks rebound therapy exercise on dynamic and static balance of high school male students affected by down syndromeNejadsahebi, N., Sadeghi, H., Massood Nabavi, S.Advances in Environmental Biology2014
۶۸Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in patients with multiple sclerosis: A case-control study from IranMehrpour, M., Najimi, N., Fereshtehnejad, S.-M., (...), Nabavi, M., Sahraeian, M.Ahttps://rsf.research.ac.ir/Index.php?itemId=50502012-9-1
۶۹Environmental air pollution and acute cerebrovascular complications: An ecologic study in Tehran, IranNabavi, S.M., Jafari, B., Jalali, M.S., (...), Ashrafi, K., Salahesh, AInternational Journal of Preventive Medicine,2012-10-1
۷۰Is air pollution a risk factor for stroke?Nabavi, S.M., Sadat Jalali, M., Nedjat, S., Ashrafi, K., Salahesh, AInternational Journal of Stroke2012-1-1
۷۱Supportive strategies to improve adherence to IFN beta-1B in Multiple Sclerosis - Results of the BetaPlus observational cohort studyPozzilli, C., Schweikert, B., Ecari, U., (...), Gedizlioglu, M., Uysal Tan, F.Journal of the Neurological Sciences2011-8-15
۷۲Down syndrome presenting with multiple sclerosis, thyroid dysfunction, and diabetes mellitus: Multiple autoimmune disorders in a genetic disorderNabavi, S.M., Hamzehloo, A., Sabet, ZNeurosciences2011-10-1
۷۳Simvastatin treatment in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis receiving interferon beta 1a: A double-blind randomized controlled trialTogha, M., Karvigh, S.A., Nabavi, M., (...), Jannati, A., Shekiba, MMultiple Sclerosis2010-7-1
۷۴Menstrual irregularities and related plasma hormone levels in multiple sclerosis patients treated with beta interferoneNabavi, S.M., Koupai, S.A., Nejati, M.R., Garshasbi, E., Jalali, M.RActa Medica Iranica2010
۷۵Effectiveness of applying progressive muscle relaxation technique on quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosisGhafari, S., Ahmadi, F., Nabavi, M., (...), Memarian, R., Rafatbakhsh, M.Journal of Clinical Nursing2009-8-1
۷۶A double blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study on the effect of MS 14, an herbal-marine drug, on quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosisNaseri, M., Ahmadi, A., Gharegozli, K., (...), Montazami, F., Rezaeizadeh, HJournal of Medicinal Plants Research2009
۷۷Sex hormone therapy in Multiple Sclerosis: A systematic review of randomized clinical trialsNabaviSM-MemariA-KarimiS-SalariM-ShayestehfarMJournal of Central Nervous System Disease(2024-12-1)
۷۸Prevalence of Sexual Dysfunction and Related Risk Factors in Men with Multiple Sclerosis in Iran: A Multicenter StudyNabavi, S.M., Dastoorpoor, M., Majdinasab, N., (...), Ghaedi, G., Ghalianchi, H.R.(2021-12-1(2021-12-1
۷۹Safety and Efficacy of Allogeneic Adipose Tissue Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients, Single-Center, Prospective, Open-Label, Single-Arm Clinical Trial, Long-Term Follow-upNabavi, S.M., Karimi, S., Arab, L., (...), Aghdami, N., Vosough, M.Cell Journal(2021-12-1
۸۰A self-administered, artificial intelligence (AI) platform for cognitive assessment in multiple sclerosis (MS)Khaligh-Razavi, S.-M., Sadeghi, M., Khanbagi, M., Kalafatis, C., Nabavi, S.M.BMC Neurology(2020-5-18)
نمایش ۶۱ تا ۸۰ مورد از کل ۸۷ مورد.