مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۸۱MEsenchymal StEm cells for Multiple Sclerosis (MESEMS): A randomized, double blind, cross-over phase I/II clinical trial with autologous mesenchymal stem cells for the therapy of multiple sclerosisUccelli, A., Laroni, A., Brundin, L., (...), Marrie, R.A., Karimi, S.Trials,(2019-5-9)
۸۲cis pT231-Tau Drives Neurodegeneration in Bipolar DisorderNaserkhaki, R., Zamanzadeh, S., Baharvand, H., (...), Hajipour, M.J., Shahpasand, K.ACS Chemical Neuroscience(2019-3-20)
۸۳Integrated Cognitive Assessment: Speed and Accuracy of Visual Processing as a Reliable Proxy to Cognitive PerformanceKhaligh-Razavi, S.-M., Habibi, S., Sadeghi, M., (...), Sadeghi, E., Kalafatis, CScientific Reports(2019-12-1)
۸۴Sexual dysfunction levels in iranian women suffering from multiple sclerosisDehghan-Nayeri, N., Khakbazan, Z., Ghafoori, F., Nabavi, S.MMultiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders(2017-2-1)
۸۵Interference effect of prior explicit information on motor sequence learning in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patientsZahiri, N., Abollahi, I., Nabavi, S.M., (...), Danaee, M., Sangelaji, BMalaysian Journal of Medical Sciences(2017-2-1
۸۶Fully automatic segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in brain MR FLAIR images using adaptive mixtures method and markov random field modelKhayati, R., Vafadust, M., Towhidkhah, F., Nabavi, S.Computers in Biology and Medicine(2008-3-1)
۸۷A novel method for automatic determination of different stages of multiple sclerosis lesions in brain MR FLAIR imagesKhayati, R., Vafadust, M., Towhidkhah, F., Nabavi, S.MComputerized Medical Imaging and Graphics(2008-3-1)
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