مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۸۱Sperm protection in the male reproductive tract by Toll-like receptorsSaeidi, S., Shapouri, F., Amirchaghmaghi, E., (...), Pacey, A.A., Aflatoonian, R.Andrologia2014
۸۲Relationship between absence of annulus and asthenozoospermia in Iranian menHosseinifar, H., Shafipour, M., Modarresi, T., (...), Shahhosseini, M., Sabbaghian, M.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics2014
۸۳Study of the effect of varicocelectomy on sperm proteins expression in patients with varicocele and poor sperm quality by using two-dimensional gel electrophoresisHosseinifar, H., Sabbaghian, M., Nasrabadi, D., (...), Gourabi, H., Gilani, M.A.S.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics2014
۸۴Expression analysis of RNA-binding motif gene on Y chromosome (RBMY) protein isoforms in testis tissue and a testicular germ cell cancer-derived cell line (NT2)Alikhani, M., Tabar, M.S., Mirshahvaladi, S., (...), Gilani, M.A.S., Sabbaghian, M.Iranian Biomedical Journal2013
۸۵A fresh look at the male-specific region of the human y chromosomeJangravi, Z., Alikhani, M., Arefnezhad, B., (...), Gourabi, H., Salekdeh, G.H.Journal of Proteome Research2013
۸۶Heme binding site in apomyoglobin may be effectively targeted with small molecules to control aggregationAzami-Movahed, M., Shariatizi, S., Sabbaghian, M., (...), Ebrahim-Habibi, A., Nemat-Gorgani, M.International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology2013
۸۷Study of sperm protein profile in men with and without varicocele using two-dimensional gel electrophoresisHosseinifar, H., Gourabi, H., Salekdeh, G.H., (...), Modarresi, T., Gilani, M.A.S.Urology2013
۸۸Enzymatic digestion improves testicular sperm retrieval in non-obstructive azoospermic patientsModarresi, T., Sabbaghian, M., Shahverdi, A., (...), Akhlaghi, A.A., Gilani, M.A.S.International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine2013
۸۹Ubiquitin-specific protease (USP26) gene alterations associated with male infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) in Iranian infertile patientsAsadpor, U., Totonchi, M., Sabbaghian, M., (...), Gourabi, H., Mohseni Meybodi, A.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics2013
۹۰Predictive value of semen parameters and age of the couple in pregnancy outcome after intrauterine inseminationSabbaghian, M., Modarresi, T., Hosseinifar, H., (...), Hosseini, J., Gilani, M.A.S.Tehran University Medical Journal2013
۹۱Prevention of thermal aggregation of an allosteric protein by small molecules: Some mechanistic insightsSabbaghian, M., Ebrahim-Habibi, A., Hosseinkhani, S., Ghasemi, A., Nemat-Gorgani, M.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2011
۹۲Homology modeling, docking, molecular dynamics simulation, and structural analyses of coxsakievirus B3 2A protease: An enzyme involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory myocarditisMaghsoudi, A.H., Khodagholi, F., Hadi-Alijanvand, H., (...), Abtahi, S., Maghsoudi, N.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2011
۹۳Benzofuranone Derivatives as Effective Small Molecules Related to Insulin Amyloid Fibrillation: A Structure-Function StudyRabiee, A., Ebrahim-Habibi, A., Navidpour, L., (...), Nemati-Lay, M., Nemat-Gorgani, M.Chemical Biology and Drug Design2011
۹۴Occurrence of 47,X,i(X)(q10),Y Klinefelter variant with hypogonadotropic hypogonadismSabbaghian, M., Meybodi, A.M., Rahimian, M., Sadighi Gilani, M.A.Fertility and Sterility2011
۹۵Fibrillation of alpha-lactalbumin: Effect of crocin and safranal, two natural small molecules from Crocus sativusEbrahim-Habibi, M.-B., Amininasab, M., Ebrahim-Habibi, A., Sabbaghian, M., Nemat-Gorgani, M.Biopolymers2010
۹۶Protein-protein interactions leading to aggregation: Perspectives on mechanism, significance and controlEbrahim-Habibi, A., Morshedi, D., Rezaei-Ghaleh, N., Sabbaghian, M., Nemat-Gorgani, M.Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society2010
۹۷Isolation and recognition of spermatogenic cell lineages from mouse testis tissueModarresi, T., Parivar, K., Kouchesfehani, H.M., (...), Heidari-Vala, H., Sadeghi, M.R.Yakhteh2010
۹۸Targeting enteroviral 2A protease by a 16-mer synthetic peptide: Inhibition of 2Apro-induced apoptosis in a stable Tet-on HeLa cell lineMaghsoudi, N., Tafreshi, N.Kh., Khodagholi, F., (...), Moosavi, M., Zeinoddini, M.Virology2010
۹۹Thermal aggregation of a model allosteric protein in different conformational statesSabbaghian, M., Ebrahim-Habibi, A., Nemat-Gorgani, MInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules2009
۱۰۰Purification and partial characterization of coxsakievirus B3 2A protease expressed in Escherichia coliMaghsoudi, N., Khodagholi, F., Sadjadi, M., Zeinodini, M., Sabbaghian, M.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2008
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