مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱Enhancing maturity in 3D kidney micro-tissues through clonogenic cell combinations and endothelial integrationAbdollahzadeh, F., Khoshdel-Rad, N., Bahrehbar, K., (...), Totonchi, M., Moghadasali, R.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine2024
۲Effects of different extenders on epigenetic patterns and functional parameters of bull sperm during cryopreservation processFouladvandi, R., Masoudi, A.A., Totonchi, M., Hezavehei, M., Sharafi, M.Reproduction in Domestic Animals2024
۳Improvement of Mouse Preantral Follicle Survival and Development following Co-Culture with Ovarian Parenchyma Cell SuspensionNajafi Salehi, J., Eimani, H., Shahverdi, A., (...), Taher Mofrad, S.M.J., Tahaei, L.S.International Journal of Fertility and Sterility2024
۴Comprehensive somatic mutational analysis in glioblastoma: Implications for precision medicine approachesAzimi, P., Karimpour, M., Yazdanian, T., Totonchi, M., Ahmadiani, A.PLoS ONE2024
۵Pathway-driven analysis of synthetic lethal interactions in cancer using perturbation screensKarimpour, M., Totonchi, M., Behmanesh, M., Montazeri, H.Life Science Alliance2024
۶Recent progress in combination therapy of oncolytic vaccinia virusMirbahari, S.N., Da Silva, M., Zuniga, A.I.M., (...), Totonchi, M., Azad, T.Frontiers in Immunology2024
۷A New Setup for Microwave Exposure to Pathogenic SamplesHeli, H., Sahraei, A., Asadi, R., (...), Totonchi, M., Aliakbarian, H.Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical Engineering2024
۸In-vitro generation of follicle-like structures from human germ cell-like cells derived from theca stem cell combined with ovarian somatic cellsMirbahari, S.N., Amorim, C.A., Hassani, F., (...), valojerdi, M.R., Dalman, A.Journal of Ovarian Research2024
۹Activation of AMPK promotes cardiac differentiation by stimulating the autophagy pathwayKolahdouzmohammadi, M., Pahlavan, S., Sotoodehnejadnematalahi, F., Tahamtani, Y., Totonchi, M.Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling2023
۱۰A novel missense variant in CDK5RAP2 associated with non-obstructive azoospermiaRahimian, M., Askari, M., Salehi, N., (...), Almadani, N., Totonchi, M.Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology2023
۱۱Whole exome sequencing identifies MAP3K1, MSH2, and MLH1 as potential cancer-predisposing genes in familial early-onset colorectal cancerFatemi, N., Tu, S.-J., Chung, C.-C., (...), Aghdaei, H.A., Chang, J.-G.Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences2023
۱۲Current trends and future prospects of drug repositioning in gastrointestinal oncologyFatemi, N., Karimpour, M., Bahrami, H., (...), Nazemalhosseini-Mojarad, E., Totonchi, M.Frontiers in Pharmacology2023
۱۳Co-culture of human cryopreserved fragmented ovarian tissue with theca progenitor cells derived from theca stem cellsDalman, A., Adib, S., Amorim, C.A., (...), Totonchi, M., Valojerdi, M.R.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics2023
۱۴Revisiting the Role of Autophagy in Cardiac Differentiation: A Comprehensive Review of Interplay with Other Signaling PathwaysKolahdouzmohammadi, M., Kolahdouz-Mohammadi, R., Tabatabaei, S.A., Franco, B., Totonchi, MGenes2023
۱۵HNF4alpha is possibly the missing link between epithelial-mesenchymal transition and Warburg effect during hepatocarcinogenesisShokouhian, B., Negahdari, B., Heydari, Z., (...), Mostafavi, E., Vosough, M.Cancer Science2023
۱۶Role of gender in explaining metabolic syndrome risk factors in an Iranian rural population using structural equation modellingNouri-Keshtkar, M., Shojaei Shahrokhabadi, M., Ghaheri, A., (...), Tahamtani, Y., Totonchi, M.Scientific Reports2023
۱۷The construction of a testis transcriptional cell atlas from embryo to adult reveals various somatic cells and their molecular rolesSalehi, N., Totonchi, MJournal of Translational Medicine2023
۱۸The Association Between Higher Expression of Talin-1 and the Reduced Survival Rate in Ovarian Serous Carcinoma PatientsSharbatoghli, M., Zanjani, L.S., Fattahi, F., (...), Asadi-Lari, M., Madjd, Z.Iranian Journal of Pathology2023
۱۹A heterozygous missense variant in DLX3 leads to uterine leiomyomas and pregnancy losses in a consanguineous Iranian familySaboori-Darabi, S., Carrera, P., Akbari, A., (...), Mazaheri, M., Totonchi, M.Gene2023
۲۰Direct visualization of pre-protamine 2 detects protamine assembly failures and predicts ICSI successRezaei-Gazik, M., Vargas, A., Amiri-Yekta, A., (...), Rousseaux, S., Totonchi, M.Molecular Human Reproduction2022
نمایش ۱ تا ۲۰ مورد از کل ۱۳۸ مورد.