مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۰۱Expression analysis of genes encoding TEX11, TEX12, TEX14 and TEX15 in testis tissues of men with non-obstructive azoospermiaBoroujeni, P.B., Sabbaghian, M., Totonchi, M., (...), Sadighi-Gilani, M.A., Gourabi, H.Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida2018
۱۰۲Temporal gene expression and DNA methylation during embryonic stem cell derivationSamadian, A., Hesaraki, M., Mollamohammadi, S., (...), Totonchi, M., Baharvand, H.Cell Journal2018
۱۰۳Attitude of a sample of iranian researchers toward the future of stem cell researchLotfipanah, M., Azadeh, F., Totonchi, M., Omani-Samani, R.Cell Journal2018
۱۰۴DNA methylation regulates discrimination of enhancers from promoters through a H3K4me1-H3K4me3 seesaw mechanismSharifi-Zarchi, A., Gerovska, D., Adachi, K., (...), Baharvand, H., Arauzo-Bravo, M.J.BMC Genomics2017
۱۰۵Slow freezing versus vitrification technique for human ovarian tissue cryopreservation: An evaluation of histological changes, WNT signaling pathway and apoptotic genes expressionDalman, A., Deheshkar Gooneh Farahani, N.S., Totonchi, M., (...), Ebrahimi, B., Rezazadeh Valojerdi,...Cryobiology2017
۱۰۶Blockage of the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Is Required for Embryonic Stem Cell DerivationTotonchi, M., Hassani, S.-N., Sharifi-Zarchi, A., (...), Scholer, H.R., Baharvand, H.Stem Cell Reports2017
۱۰۷46,XX males: a case series based on clinical and genetics evaluationMohammadpour Lashkari, F., Totonchi, M., Zamanian, M.R., (...), Sabbaghian, M., Mohseni Meybodi, A.Andrologia2017
۱۰۸Tissue Engineered Human Amniotic Membrane Application in Mouse Ovarian Follicular CultureMotamed, M., Sadr, Z., Valojerdi, M.R., (...), Taghiabadi, E., Fathi, R.Annals of Biomedical Engineering2017
۱۰۹FMR1 premutation: not only important in premature ovarian failure but also in diminished ovarian reserveEslami, A., Farahmand, K., Totonchi, M., (...), Gourabi, H., Mohseni-Meybodi, A.Human Fertility2017
۱۱۰Thrombophilic genes alterations as risk factor for recurrent pregnancy lossFarahmand, K., Totonchi, M., Hashemi, M., (...), Gourabi, H., Meybodi, A.M.Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine2016
۱۱۱Correlation between sperm DNA fragmentation index and CMA3 positive spermatozoa in globozoospermic patientsHosseinifar, H., Yazdanikhah, S., Modarresi, T., (...), Sadighi Gilani, M.A., Sabbaghian, M.Andrology2015
۱۱۲Increased robustness of early embryogenesis through collective decision-making by key transcription factorsSharifi-Zarchi, A., Totonchi, M., Khaloughi, K., (...), Chitsaz, H., Sadeghi, M.BMC Systems Biology2015
۱۱۳Natural biased coin encoded in the genome determines cell strategyDorri, F., Mahini, H., Sharifi-Zarchi, A., (...), Pezeshk, H., Sadeghi, M.PLoS ONE2014
۱۱۴Association of MOV10L1 gene polymorphisms and male infertility in azoospermic men with complete maturation arrestSarkardeh, H., Totonchi, M., Asadpour, O., (...), Borjian Boroujeni, P., Gourabi, H.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics2014
۱۱۵Delineating the association between isodicentric chromosome y and infertility: A retrospective studyKalantari, H., Asia, S., Totonchi, M., (...), Gourabi, H., Mohseni Meybodi, A.Fertility and Sterility2014
۱۱۶Inhibition of TGFbeta Signaling Promotes Ground State PluripotencyHassani, S.-N., Totonchi, M., Sharifi-Zarchi, A., (...), Scholer, H.R., Baharvand, H.Stem Cell Reviews and Reports2014
۱۱۷Signaling roadmap modulating naive and primed pluripotencyHassani, S.-N., Totonchi, M., Gourabi, H., Scholer, H.R., Baharvand, H.Stem Cells and Development2014
۱۱۸Disease-corrected hepatocyte-like cells from familial hypercholesterolemia- induced pluripotent stem cellsFattahi, F., Asgari, S., Pournasr, B., (...), Salekdeh, G.H., Baharvand, H.Molecular Biotechnology2013
۱۱۹Ubiquitin-specific protease (USP26) gene alterations associated with male infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) in Iranian infertile patientsAsadpor, U., Totonchi, M., Sabbaghian, M., (...), Gourabi, H., Mohseni Meybodi, A.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics2013
۱۲۰Quantitative expression of developmental genes, Pou5f1 (Oct4) and mest (Peg1), in vitrified mouse embryosRajabpour-Niknam, M., Totonchi, M., Shahhosseini, M., (...), Alipour, H., Eftekhari-Yazdi, P.International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine2013
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