مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۸۱Morphine tolerance and dependence in the nucleus paragigantocellularis: Single unit recording study in vivoHaghparast, A., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y.Brain Research1998-12-14
۱۸۲Augmentation of LTP induced by primed-bursts tetanic stimulation in hippocampal CA1 area of morphine dependent ratsMansouri, F.A., Motamedi, F., Fathollahi, Y., Atapour, N., Semnanian, S.Brain Research1997-9-19
۱۸۳Augmentation of LTP induced by primed-bursts tetanic stimulation in hippocampal CA1 area of morphine dependent ratsMansouri, F.A., Motamedi, F., Fathollahi, Y., Atapour, N., Semnanian, S.Brain Research1997-9-19
۱۸۴Augmentation of LTP induced by primed-bursts tetanic stimulation in hippocampal CA1 area of morphine dependent ratsMansouri, F.A., Motamedi, F., Fathollahi, Y., Atapour, N., Semnanian, S.Brain Research1997-9-19
۱۸۵Examination of persistent effects of repeated administration of pentylenetetrazol on rat hippocampal CA1: Evidence from in vitro study on hippocampal slicesFathollahi, Y., Motamedi, F., Semnanian, S., Zardoshti, M.Brain Research,1997-5-30
۱۸۶Repeated administration of pentylenetetrazol alters susceptibility of rat hippocampus to primed-burst stimulation: Evidence from in vitro study on CA1 of hippocampal slicesFathollahi, Y., Motamedi, F., Semnanian, S., Zardoshti, M.Brain Research1996-10-28
۱۸۷Conditioned morphine tolerance promotes neurogenesis, dendritic remodelling and pro-plasticity molecules in the adult rat hippocampusNejad, G.G., Mottarlini, F., Tavassoli, Z., (...), Homberg, J.R., Fathollahi, Y.Addiction Biology(2024-3-1)
۱۸۸Hippocampal asymmetry: differences in the left and right hippocampus proteome in the rat model of temporal lobe epilepsySadeghi, L., Rizvanov, A.A., Salafutdinov, I.I., (...), Fathollahi, Y., Khajeh, K.Journal of Proteomics(2017-2-10)
۱۸۹Hippocampal asymmetry: differences in the left and right hippocampus proteome in the rat model of temporal lobe epilepsySadeghi, L., Rizvanov, A.A., Salafutdinov, I.I., (...), Fathollahi, Y., Khajeh, K.Journal of Proteomics(2017-2-10)
۱۹۰Eugenol depresses synaptic transmission but does not prevent the induction of long-term potentiation in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slicesArdjmand, A., Fathollahi, Y., Sayyah, M., Kamalinejad, M., Omrani, A.Phytomedicine,(2006-2-13)
۱۹۱The role of adenosine A1 receptor activity of piriform cortex neurons on amygdala kindled seizures in ratsRezvani, M.E., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y., (...), Hosseinmardi, N., Shahabi, P.Yakhteh(2005-12-1)
۱۹۲Effects of lidocaine reversible inactivation of the median raphe nucleus on long-term potentiation and recurrent inhibition in the dentate gyrus of rat hippocampusSarihi, A., Fathollahi, Y., Motamedi, F., Naghdi, N., Rashidy-Pour, A.Brain Research(2003-2-7)
۱۹۳Primed-bursts induced long-term potentiation in rat visual cortex: Effects of dark-rearingAtapour, N., Esteky, H., Fathollahi, Y., Mansouri, F.A.Brain Research,(1999-12-18)
۱۹۴Chronic in vivo morphine administration facilitates primed-bursts- induced long-term potentiation of Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses in hippocampal slices in vitroMansouri, F.A., Motamedi, F., Fathollahi, Y.Brain Research(1999-1-9
۱۹۵Anticonvulsant effect of bilateral injection of N6-cyclohexyladenosine into the CA1 region of the hippocampus in amygdala-kindled ratsAlasvand Zarasvand, M., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y., Palizvan, M.R.Epilepsy Research: 2001
نمایش ۱۸۱ تا ۱۹۵ مورد از کل ۱۹۵ مورد.