مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۲۱A rapid and non leaky way for preparation of the sharp intracellular recording microelectrodesFereidoni, M., Fathollahi, Y., Janahmadi, M., Godarzi, I.Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods,2008-4-24
۱۲۲Effects of morphine dependence on the performance of rats in reference and working versions of the water mazeMiladi Gorji, H., Rashidy-Pour, A., Fathollahi, Y.Physiology and Behavior,2008-2-27
۱۲۳Administration of corticosterone after memory reactivation disrupts subsequent retrieval of a contextual conditioned fear memory: Dependence upon training intensityAbrari, K., Rashidy-Pour, A., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y.Neurobiology of Learning and Memory2008-2-1
۱۲۴Epinephrine inhibits analgesic tolerance to intrathecal administrated morphine and increases the expression of calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIalphaSatarian, L., Javan, M., Fathollahi, Y.Neuroscience Letters,2008-1-17
۱۲۵Single whisker experience started on postnatal days 0, 5 or 8 changes temporal characteristics of response integration in layers IV and V of rat barrel cortex neuronsShamsizadeh, A., Sheibani, V., Arabzadeh, S., (...), Noorbakhsh, S.M., Fathollahi, Y.Brain Research Bulletin2007-9-14
۱۲۶The role of adenosine A1 and A2A receptors of entorhinal cortex on piriform cortex kindled seizures in ratsHosseinmardi, N., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y., Shahabi, P.Pharmacological Research,2007-8-1
۱۲۷Effect of low frequency stimulation of perforant path on kindling rate and synaptic transmission in the dentate gyrus during kindling acquisition in ratsMohammad-Zadeh, M., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y., (...), Sadegh, M., Noorbakhsh, S.M.Epilepsy Research2007-7-1
۱۲۸Changes in neuromodulatory effect of adenosine A1 receptors on piriform cortex field potentials in amygdala kindled ratsRezvani, M.E., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y., Palizvan, M.R.European Journal of Pharmacology2007-6-22
۱۲۹Anticonvulsant effect of A1 but not A2A adenosine receptors of piriform cortex in amygdala-kindled ratsRezvani, M.E., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y., Palizvan, M.R.Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology,2007-6-1
۱۳۰Antinociceptive effect of intra-hippocampal CA1 and dentate gyrus injection of MK801 and AP5 in the formalin test in adult male ratsSoleimannejad, E., Naghdi, N., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y., Kazemnejad, A.European Journal of Pharmacology2007-5-7
۱۳۱Naloxone improves impairment of spatial performance induced by pentylenetetrazol kindling in ratsOmrani, A., Ghadami, M.R., Fathi, N., (...), Fathollahi, Y., Touhidi, A.Neuroscience2007-3-30
۱۳۲Induction effect of deprenyl on transdifferentiation of BMSCs into neuron and glial-like cells in vitroGhorbanian, M.T., Tiraihi, T., Mesbah Namin, S.A., Fathollahi, Y.Yakhteh2007-3-1
۱۳۳The role of galanin receptors in anticonvulsant effects of low-frequency stimulation in perforant path-kindled ratsSadegh, M., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Javan, M., (...), Jahanshahi, A., Noorbakhsh, S.M.Neuroscience2007-12-5
۱۳۴Offsetting of aberrations associated with seizure proneness in rat hippocampus area CA1 by theta pulse stimulation-induced activity patternSalmani, M.E., Mirnajafizadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y.Neuroscience,2007-11-9
۱۳۵Effect of different patterns of low-frequency stimulation on piriform cortex kindled seizuresGhorbani, P., Mohammad-Zadeh, M., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y.Neuroscience Letters2007-10-2)
۱۳۶Facilitating effects of morphine dependence on spatial learning and memory in ratPourmotabbed, A., Tahmasian, M., Shahi, M., Karami Darabkhani, H., Fathollahi, Y.Daru,2007
۱۳۷The effect of GSM mobile phone base station waves on hippocampus synaptic plasticityJadidi, M., Firoozabadi, S.M.P., Rashidy-Pour, A., Bolouri, B., Fathollahi, Y.Koomesh,2007
۱۳۸Amygdala adenosine A1 receptors have no anticonvulsant effect on piriform cortex-kindled seizures in ratShahabi, P., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y., (...), Rezvani, M.E., Eslami-Far, A.Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology,2006-8-1
۱۳۹Microinjection of ritanserin into the dorsal hippocampal CA1 and dentate gyrus decrease nociceptive behavior in adult male ratSoleimannejad, E., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y., Naghdi, N.Behavioural Brain Research2006-4-3
۱۴۰Microinjection of ritanserin into the CA1 region of hippocampus improves scopolamine-induced amnesia in adult male ratsNaghdi, N., Rezaei, M., Fathollahi, Y.Behavioural Brain Research,2006-4-3
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