مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۶۱Dependence on morphine leads to a prominent sharing among the different mechanisms of long-term potentiation in the CA1 region of rat hippocampusSalmanzadeh, F., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S., Shafizadeh, M., Kazemnejad, A.Brain Research2003-2-14
۱۶۲Reversal of pentylenetetrazol-induced potentiation phenomenon by theta pulse stimulation in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slicesOmrani, A., Fathollahi, Y.Synapse2003-11-1
۱۶۳Contribution of ionotropic glutamate receptors and voltage-dependent calcium channels to the potentiation phenomenon induced by transient pentylenetetrazol in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slicesOmrani, A., Fathollahi, Y., Almasi, M., (...), Mohammad, S., Firoozabadi, P.Brain Research2003-1-3
۱۶۴The ability of hippocampal CA1 area for induction of long-term potentiation is persistently reduced by prior treatment with cysteamine: An in vitro studyRostampour, M., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S., (...), Mirnajafizadeh, J., Shafizadeh, M.Neuropeptides2002-8-1
۱۶۵Effect of transient hippocampal inhibition on amygdaloid kindled seizures and amygdaloid kindling rateMirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Mortazavi, M., Fathollahi, Y., Alasvand Zarasvand, M., Reza Palizvan, M.Brain Research,2002-11-8
۱۶۶Cysteamine pre-treatment reduces pentylenetetrazol-induced plasticity and epileptiform discharge in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slicesRostampour, M., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S., (...), Mirnajafizadeh, J., Shafizadeh, M.Brain Research2002-11-15
۱۶۷The role of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in synaptic plasticity of rat visual cortex in vitro: Effect of sensory experienceFathollahi, Y., Salami, M.Neuroscience Letters,2001-6-29
۱۶۸Differential effects of pentylenetetrazol-kindling on long-term potentiation of population excitatory postsynaptic potentials and population spikes in the CA1 region of rat hippocampusPalizvan, M.R., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S., Hajezadeh, S., Mirnajafizadh, J.Brain Research2001-4-13
۱۶۹Caffeine increases paragigantocellularis neuronal firing rate and induces withdrawal signs in morphine-dependent ratsKhalili, M., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y.European Journal of Pharmacology2001-2-2
۱۷۰Occurrence of morphine tolerance and dependence in the nucleus paragigantocellularis neuronsSaiepour, M.H., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y.European Journal of Pharmacology,2001
۱۷۱Primed-burst potentiation occludes the potentiation phenomenon and enhances the epileptiform activity induced by transient pentylenetetrazol in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slicesOmrani, A., Fathollahi, Y., Mohajerani, H.-R., Semnanian, S.Brain Research,2000-9-22
۱۷۲Effects of ketamine on synaptic transmission and long-term potentiation in layer II/III of rat visual cortex in vitroSalami, M., Fathollahi, Y., Esteky, H., Motamedi, F., Atapour, N.European Journal of Pharmacology,2000-3-3
۱۷۳Effects of adrenoceptor agents on apomorphine-induced licking behavior in ratsZarrindast, M.-R., Fazli-Tabaei, S., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y., Yahyavi, S.H.Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior2000-2-1
۱۷۴Do Ca2+ channels share NMDA receptors in plasticity of synaptic transmission in the rat visual cortex?Salami, M., Fathollahi, Y.NeuroReport,2000-11-27
۱۷۵Systemic naloxone enhances cerebral blood flow in anesthetized morphine-dependent ratsZamani, R., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y., Hajizadeh, SEuropean Journal of Pharmacology,2000-11-24
۱۷۶Intraperitoneal and intraamygdala N6-cyclohexyladenosine suppress hippocampal kindled seizures in ratsMirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y., Pourgholami, M.H.Brain Research2000
۱۷۷Differential effect of dark rearing on long-term potentiation induced by layer IV and white matter stimulation in rat visual cortexSalami, M., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S., Atapour, N.Neuroscience Research2000
۱۷۸Primed-burst potentiation in adult rat visual cortex in vitroSalami, M., Fathollahi, Y., Motamedi, F.Developmental Brain Research1999-12-10
۱۷۹Influence of different adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists on physostigmine-Induced yawning in ratsZarrindast, M.-R., Fazli-Tabai, S., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y.Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior,1999-1-1
۱۸۰Involvement of NMDA receptors and voltage-dependent calcium channels on augmentation of long-term potentiation in hippocampal CA1 area of morphine dependent ratsPourmotabbed, A., Motamedi, F., Fathollahi, Y., Mansouri, F.A., Semnanian, S.Brain Research1998-8-31
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