مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۴۱Unconditioned and learned morphine tolerance influence hippocampal-dependent short-term memory and the subjacent expression of GABA-A receptor alpha subunitsGhamkharinejad, G., Marashi, S.H., Foolad, F., Javan, M., Fathollahi, Y.PLoS ONE2021-9-1
۴۲Unconditioned and learned morphine tolerance influence hippocampal-dependent short-term memory and the subjacent expression of GABA-A receptor alpha subunitsGhamkharinejad, G., Marashi, S.H., Foolad, F., Javan, M., Fathollahi, Y.PLoS ONE2021-9-1
۴۳CD38 and MGluR1 as possible signaling molecules involved in epileptogenesis: A potential role for NAD+ homeostasisKhodaverdian, S., Dashtban-Moghadam, E.,Brain Research2021-8-15
۴۴CD38 and MGluR1 as possible signaling molecules involved in epileptogenesis: A potential role for NAD+ homeostasisKhodaverdian, S., Dashtban-Moghadam, E.,Brain Research2021-8-15
۴۵CD38 and MGluR1 as possible signaling molecules involved in epileptogenesis: A potential role for NAD+ homeostasisKhodaverdian, S., Dashtban-Moghadam, E.,Brain Research2021-8-15
۴۶The role of alpha adrenergic receptors in mediating the inhibitory effect of electrical brain stimulation on epileptiform activity in rat hippocampal slicesAhmadirad, N., Fathollahi, Y., Janahmadi, M., (...), Barkley, V., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J.Brain Research2021-8-15
۴۷The role of alpha adrenergic receptors in mediating the inhibitory effect of electrical brain stimulation on epileptiform activity in rat hippocampal slicesAhmadirad, N., Fathollahi, Y., Janahmadi, M., (...), Barkley, V., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J.Brain Research2021-8-15
۴۸Proteomic profiling of the rat hippocampus from the kindling and pilocarpine models of epilepsy: potential targets in calcium regulatory networkSadeghi, L., Rizvanov, A.A., Dabirmanesh, B., (...), Khajeh, K., Fathollahi, Y.Scientific Reports,2021-12-1
۴۹Proteomic profiling of the rat hippocampus from the kindling and pilocarpine models of epilepsy: potential targets in calcium regulatory networkSadeghi, L., Rizvanov, A.A., Dabirmanesh, B., (...), Khajeh, K., Fathollahi, Y.Scientific Reports,2021-12-1
۵۰The locus coeruleus noradrenergic system gates deficits in visual attention induced by chronic painMoazen, P., Torabi, M., Azizi, H., (...), Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Semnanian, S.Behavioural Brain Research2020-6-1
۵۱Long-term potentiation enhancing effect of epileptic insult in the CA1 area is dependent on prior-application of primed-burst stimulationGholami, M., Hosseinmardi, N., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., (...), Naghdi, N., Fathollahi, Y.Experimental Brain Research2020-4-1
۵۲Modulating proteoglycan receptor PTPσ using intracellular sigma peptide improves remyelination and functional recovery in mice with demyelinated optic chiasmNiknam, P., Raoufy, M.R., Fathollahi, Y., Javan, M.Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience2019-9-1
۵۳Modulating proteoglycan receptor PTPσ using intracellular sigma peptide improves remyelination and functional recovery in mice with demyelinated optic chiasmNiknam, P., Raoufy, M.R., Fathollahi, Y., Javan, M.Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience2019-9-1
۵۴Low-Frequency Electrical Stimulation Reduces the Impairment in Synaptic Plasticity Following Epileptiform Activity in Rat Hippocampal Slices through alpha 1 , But Not alpha 2 , Adrenergic ReceptorsAhmadirad, N., Fathollahi, Y., Janahmadi, M., (...), Barkley, V., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J.Neuroscience2019-5-15
۵۵Low-Frequency Electrical Stimulation Reduces the Impairment in Synaptic Plasticity Following Epileptiform Activity in Rat Hippocampal Slices through alpha 1 , But Not alpha 2 , Adrenergic ReceptorsAhmadirad, N., Fathollahi, Y., Janahmadi, M., (...), Barkley, V., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J.Neuroscience2019-5-15
۵۶Deep brain stimulation restores the glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic transmission and plasticity to normal levels in kindled ratsGhafouri, S., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S., (...), Amini, A.E., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J.PLoS ONE2019-11-1
۵۷Deep brain stimulation restores the glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic transmission and plasticity to normal levels in kindled ratsGhafouri, S., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S., (...), Amini, A.E., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J.PLoS ONE2019-11-1
۵۸Research paper: Spatial learning and memory in Barnes maze test and synaptic potentiation in Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses of dorsal hippocampus in freely moving ratsSadeghian, A., Fathollahi, Y., Javan, M., (...), Rezaei, M., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J.Basic and Clinical Neuroscience2019
۵۹The antiepileptogenic effect of low-frequency stimulation on perforant path kindling involves changes in regulators of G-protein signaling in ratNamvar, S., Fathollahi, Y., Javan, M., (...), Shojaei, A., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J.Journal of the Neurological Sciences,2017-4-15
۶۰Peripheral nerve injury potentiates excitatory synaptic transmission in locus coeruleus neuronsRohampour, K., Azizi, H., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S.Brain Research Bulletin2017-4-1
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