مقالات در نشریات

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگاننشریهتاریخ انتشار
۱۰۱Intra-periaqueductal gray matter microinjection of orexin-a decreases formalin-induced nociceptive behaviors in adult male ratsAzhdari Zarmehri, H., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y., (...), Azizi, H., Rohampour, K.Journal of Pain,2011-2-1
۱۰۲In vivo sodium salicylate causes tolerance to acute morphine exposure and alters the ability of high frequency stimulation to induce long-term potentiation in hippocampus area CA1Hosseinmardi, N., Azimi, L., Fathollahi, Y., Javan, M., Naghdi, N.European Journal of Pharmacology,2011-11-30
۱۰۳Voluntary exercise ameliorates cognitive deficits in morphine dependent rats: The role of hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factorMiladi-Gorji, H., Rashidy-Pour, A., Fathollahi, Y., (...), Semnanian, S., Safari, M.Neurobiology of Learning and Memory2011-10-1
۱۰۴Electrophysiological characteristics of hippocampal CA1 neurons after spreading depression-triggered epileptic activity in brain slicesShahabi, P., Gorji, A., Fathollahi, Y., (...), Arabkheradm, J., Eickhoff, M.A.Physiology and Pharmacology,2011
۱۰۵Effects of voluntary exercise on severity of naloxone precipitated morphine withdrawal signs in ratsGorji, H.M., Rashidy-Pour, A., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S., Akhavan, M.M.Koomesh,2010-9-1
۱۰۶Effects of voluntary exercise on severity of naloxone precipitated morphine withdrawal signs in ratsGorji, H.M., Rashidy-Pour, A., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S., Akhavan, M.M.Koomesh,2010-9-1
۱۰۷Effect of chronic morphine administration on Ca2+/calmodulin- dependent protein kinase IIalpha activity in rat locus coeruleus and its possible role in morphine dependencyNavidhamidi, M., Javan, M., Fatholahi, Y., Semnanian, S.Physiology and Pharmacology,2010-6-1
۱۰۸Selegiline is an efficient and potent inducer for bone marrow stromal cell differentiation into neuronal phenotypeGhorbanian, M.T., Tiraihi, T., Mesbah-Namin, S.A., Fathollahi, Y.Neurological Research,2010-3-1)
۱۰۹Formalin pain increases the concentration of serotonin and its 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid metabolite in the CA1 region of hippocampusSoleimannejad, E., Naghdi, N., Khatami, Sh., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y.Daru,2010
۱۱۰The effects of vertebral column tripolar electrical stimulation with various intensities on soleus and gastrocnemius H-reflex and Mh wave recruitment curveSarmadi, A., Firoozabadi, S.M.P., Torkaman, G., Fathollahi, Y.Physiology and Pharmacology2009-6-1
۱۱۱Augmentation of paired pulse index as short-term plasticity due to morphine dependenceHosseinmardi, N., Azimi, L., Javan, M., Naghdi, N., Fathollahi, Y.Physiology and Pharmacology,2009-6-1
۱۱۲Co-treatment with riluzole, a neuroprotective drug, ameliorates the 3-acetylpyridine-induced neurotoxicity in cerebellar Purkinje neurones of rats: Behavioural and electrophysiological evidenceJanahmadi, M., Goudarzi, I., Kaffashian, M.R., (...), Fathollahi, Y., Hajizadeh, S.NeuroToxicology2009-5-1
۱۱۳Morphine dependence increases the response to a brief pentylenetetrazol administration in rat hippocampal CA1 in vitroJafarzadeh, Z., Fathollahi, Y., Semnanian, S., (...), Salmanzadeh, F., Salmani, M.E.Epilepsia2009-4-1
۱۱۴Post-training administration of corticosterone enhances consolidation of contextual fear memory and hippocampal long-term potentiation in ratsAbrari, K., Rashidy-Pour, A., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y.Neurobiology of Learning and Memory,2009-3-1
۱۱۵The role of adenosine A1 receptors in mediating the inhibitory effects of low frequency stimulation of perforant path on kindling acquisition in ratsMohammad-Zadeh, M., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y., (...), Noorbakhsh, S.M., Motamedi, F.Neuroscience2009-2-18
۱۱۶Theta pulse stimulation: A natural stimulus pattern can trigger long-term depression but fails to reverse long-term potentiation in morphine withdrawn hippocampus area CA1Hosseinmardi, N., Fathollahi, Y., Naghdi, N., Javan, M.Brain Research2009-10-16
۱۱۷Verapamil enhances acute stress or glucocorticoid-induced deficits in retrieval of long-term memory in ratsRashidy-Pour, A., Vafaei, A.A., Taherian, A.A., (...), Fathollahi, Y., Bandegi, A.R.Behavioural Brain Research2009-10-12
۱۱۸Corrigendum to Post-training administration of corticosterone enhances consolidation of contextual fear memory and hippocampal long-term potentiation in rats [Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 91 (2009) 260-265] (DOI:10.1016/j.nlm.2008.10.008)Abrari, K., Rashidy-Pour, A., Semnanian, S., Fathollahi, Y., Jadid, M.Neurobiology of Learning and Memory2009-10-1
۱۱۹Does whole body exposure to GSM-950 MHz electromagnetic fields affect acquisition and consolidation of spatial information in rats?Jadidi, M., Firoozabadi, S.M., Rashidy-Pour, A., (...), Fathollahi, Y., Sajadi, A.A.Iranian Journal of Radiation Research,2009
۱۲۰The role of piriform cortex adenosine A1 receptors on hippocampal kindlingNamvar, S., Mirnajafi-Zadeh, J., Fathollahi, Y., Zeraati, M.Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences2008-5-1
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